LimitlessLed Lighting info and review

Zane D. Grayson's Avatar
What's up guys,

So I live in one of those trendy Houston 3 story condo things. Lots of stairs and glass. They're knocking down old houses around me and building them everywhere. I love my spot but the builder must have had an obsession with light switches. In my living room and kitchen there are a total of 18 lights and 8 light switches. It's annoying turning them all on or off at any given time so I started looking for a solution to put them all on one switch or at least less switches. I found a bunch of different ways to achieve this but one in particular stuck out to me.

Wifi LED Lights.

There are two major brands available right now with more in development. Hue by Phillips ($68/bulb) or LimitlessLed ($23/bulb). Obviously you can tell by the title of this thread, I went with the LimitlessLed's. I just didn't see enough difference between them and the Hues to justify the giant price jump. The lights are connected to the wifi system in your home and they can be changed to any color using an RGB color wheel via an app on your phone or iPad. Of course, they have a normal soft white light setting as well. The lights have a 50,000 hr lifespan which means you can leave them on constantly for almost 6 years! In comparison, an incandescent bulb lasts around 1,200 hrs. They are more comparable to LED flat screen TVs which have a lifespan of 40,000-90,000 hrs so the high cost per bulb isn't really that high over the lifetime of the bulb. Plus they only use 10 watts vs the 60 watt bulbs that I just removed so they will save on energy as well.

Overall, my initial impression is very positive. Well, aside from the lights taking almost a month to be delivered from somewhere in New Zealand but everything else is great. The setup thru my router was simple and the lights are bright and responsive. I have the lights set up in 3 zones, 1 in the kitchen and 2 in the living room but all of the lights are controlled by an app on my phone. I've already ordered another set of 20 to replace most of the remaining lights in my place. LED lighting is the future of lighting and LimitlessLED's are a nice twist on this new lighting concept.

Thanks for your time. Now back to your regularly scheduled program...
boardman's Avatar
Can't wait to hear about the first virus that makes these lights strobe randomly in multiple colors causing the occupants to go into epileptic seizures.
Zane D. Grayson's Avatar
Lol! I'd probably just crank the music up and pour myself a glass of scotch.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Interesting. I was just thinking about this issue last night as I was making my rounds, hitting all those damn switches as I was heading upstairs to bed.
Zane D. Grayson's Avatar