I know I am e3mbarassed by his presidency. I tell people I am Canadian.
Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I am also disappointed with the first 4 years of Obama's Presidency. During the past 4 years, I was hopeful there would be much more cooperation between the Executive and Legislative Branches of government. For the most part, that has not existed. Most especially from the Republicans in both the House and Senate. Without cooperation, the end result is always gridlock! I expected more cooperation and less gridlock and apparently the world did, as well! I consider that to be a reasonable expectation!
But I am not going to say that I am any less proud to be an American citizen. With that, I strongly disagree (once again) with 2Dogs. I would never consider telling anyone that I am anything less than a proud American citizen. While I oftentimes disagreed with GW's foreign policy initiatives, I never once was embarrassed about being an American citizen. Apparently 2Dogs is much more partisan than I.
Perhaps now is the time for 2Dogs to go ahead and take the plunge. Due to his ongoing health related concerns, 2Dogs might benefit greatly from Canada's single-payer health care system.