Here you have the real liberal agenda

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This motherfucker is a Professor at The University of Texas at Arlington!
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I knew you would watch and give me a good video - thanks!
Here's a link to a population graph by ethnicity. even in 2030 white non Hispanic population are still the largest. You will notice from the graph Hispanic population increased from 16% in 2010 to 22% by 2030. I attribute that increase over all other ethnicities to the influx of immigrant migration from Latin countries. Due to our borders being unregulated, This professor is obviously advocating violence and racism just so members of an insignificant population can flourish.

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Here's a link to a population graph by ethnicity. even in 2030 white non Hispanic population are still the largest. You will notice from the graph Hispanic population increased from 16% in 2010 to 22% by 2030. I attribute that increase over all other ethnicities to the influx of immigrant migration from Latin countries. Due to our borders being unregulated, This professor is obviously advocating violence and racism just so members of an insignificant population can flourish.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
He wants that brown population to be cared for by the taxpaying members of the white group they will soon replace, and who they have grievances against. As long as they kill white liberals, it will have a certain moral justice to it, anyway. Fuck, I'd give them more political power in return for them kicking liberals out of office.
He wants that brown population to be cared for by the taxpaying members of the white group they will soon replace, and who they have grievances against. As long as they kill white liberals, it will have a certain moral justice to it, anyway. Fuck, I'd give them more political power in return for them kicking liberals out of office. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Well he's chasing a pipe dream. There might be a spike in the Hispanic population over White and Afro American populations. Like I said it's only due to the large influx of illegals crossing our borders. Once their peak is met it will then fall again due to illness, violence and addictions ect. You can't expect to set a bunch of enslaved oppressed people loose in a country like America and expect them to flourish and prosper over the long haul with the only plan in mind is to explode their population.

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Well he's chasing a pipe dream. There might be a spike in the Hispanic population over White and Afro American populations. Like I said it's only due to the large influx of illegals crossing our borders. Once their peak is met it will then fall again due to illness, violence and addictions ect. You can't expect to set a bunch of enslaved oppressed people loose in a country like America and expect them to flourish and prosper over the long haul with the only plan in mind is to explode their population.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Fuckers might bankrupt you guys with demands for government handouts, too.
Fuckers might bankrupt you guys with demands for government handouts, too. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
This country is already bankrupt because of the chicken shits that were born here. I wonder how long it will take these illegals to figure out that they've been duped for nothing more than votes. America isn't going to supply them with much of a future in the long run.
