Are U Guys Thinking What I'm Thinking?

Guitar's Avatar

She has a couple ad's on and she says she's 26. She don't look old enough Staff edit for caution. dj8 If you ask me. If you show up to meet a female that has listed her age as a legal age and it turns out, she ain't! Can a guy get charged with anything OTHER than solicitation? Staff edit for caution. dj8if she lied about her age, and all u did was show up? I guess I've watched "To Catch A Preditor" enough to think these things.
Guitar's Avatar
Let me clarify something, folks. I am NOT planning on contacting this young lady that is mentioned in the above post. Nor am I wanting to. I was just stating what was on my mind when I saw the ad. Nothing else.
Guitar, my understanding is if she lies about her age, you pick her up in a bar, or any other way that suggests she's over the age of consent, it's still illegal if she's under-aged.
I wouldn't take the chance unless some I know and (more or less) trust vouched for her age. Even then I need to see some sort of proof if there is any chance that she could be underage. I don't care how hot she may be, I am not taking chances with that.

Earlier in my hobby career, I developed a distinct preference for providers in the "over 30" age bracket. I had too many disappointing experiences with young hotties that rely more on the "eye-candy" factor than skill and effort.

In general I still prioritize skill and enthusiasm over pure looks, but as I have gotten older myself, my "dirty old man" fetish has developed and I am re-discovering early-20's gals.....
But I am damn careful to be certain that the lady I am seeing is of legal age, the younger she looks, the more cautious I am.

Variety is, after all, the spice of life.
SMG is 100 percent correct. There is no way for a child to consent. Anyone under the age of consent can not consent no matter what. What that means is it makes no difference the circumstances if you touch a child even if they lied had a fake id filmed themselves giving you a fake id and birth certificate with both their parents agreeing to those documents being factual and also giving their consent all while swearing on a bible that their child is legal you still are guilty. You go to jail and will have to register as a sex offender for the remainder of your life.

If you even have a suspicion of doubt run away.
Guitar's Avatar
Those are my exact thoughts, you guys. Thanks for conferming my suspicions. Did any of yall click on the link and think the same thing I did? She has her face hidden in the dark, kinda like she's tring not to let it give away her youthfulness. Not that there is anything wrong with youthfulness. Heck, I wish I look more youthful.
Moonchild's Avatar
Sometimes people look younger than their age