So I have been purusing a little........

KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
I am exploring more and more fantasies of mine. More little things I have always wanted to try- I like some and others, well not so much.

But I have been contemplating a new idea. The one that involves S&M mixed with Saran wrap and a whole lotta passion. I love pain and I love to give it. But I also rather enjoy being most submissive too.
I am into being watched as well as watching.

So any ideas on how to put all of these things together into one great fantasy? I have never used Saran before but I saw someone wrapped in it once and it looked cool. I think I would like to try it.

Was wondering when this subject would come up. I have dome several hot bondage scenes with Saran Wrap....

I can tell you how, Ping me....

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Well, heck. Tell all of us, PPE!!!

Saran Wrap just strikes me as being hot. No really. Hot. As in sweating, etc. It reminds me of when I used to go get those wraps that were popular in the 80's.

I think, though, that if you did this ... it would make for a GREAT photoshoot!!! You could also combine, again thinking off the top of my head, an hypnotic scene with your person.

And after awhile, you might wish to decide which way that you actually lean towards. Makes things less confusing and then you can go in a different direction when the mood hits you.

Good luck and wow ... it is GREAT to see you here!!!

My best,
Saran Wrap can be fun. However it can also be dangerous. Why, you might ask? Because it IS so hot! Sorry for the pun, but that's the actual truth.

Saran wrap doesn't allow your body to get rid of heat through sweating. So your body's core temperature continues to rise while you are in the wrap. Even with your head exposed, your body will generate a lot of heat. Fortunately most people who put others in saran wrap are perverts and they like to cut holes in there to access peoples sensitive bits.

But while you are in the wrap, your body is heating up, and some people may be too distracted to notice that the person all wrapped up is suffering from heat exhaustion, or worse. It's no different than being out in the hot Texas summer, not drinking enough water and overheating. You can pass out, suffer organ damage, brain damage, heat stroke, etc.

So like many things, play safe!
DallasRain's Avatar
PPE is THE man!!!!!
{I thought Miss sweet sexy Elizabeth might have done this before,lol}

sounds interesting.....wooohoooo have fun!
OK, so,

Yes, Krunkman is correct, you have to do this in a temp controlled environment.

Long time ago, had a good friend that used to inhabit Houston and come up occasionally, then she moved and moved and ended up in Alaska of all places. But still she came back occasionally....

I had picked up a nice roll of Saran Wrap with a handle at Dom Depot (Home Depot for the uninformed) and had so been wanting to use it. I brought it along for the session and she was so excited by the idea. First, we wrapped her wrists and ankles in it, ans it worked ok. We enjoyed the look of it, and she not being able to escape, and we then moved on to a full body wrap with her arms crossed over her chest. (*** NOTE - Be sure that you have your sub leave some space between her arms and her chest, so that when the wrap compresses, it does not become so binding that she cannot breathe... ) We wrapped her entire upper body, and left her ankles free. Laid her down on the bed with her head over the edge, and of course my cock found her mouth and face fucking ensued while I fingered her.

Rolled her to the side of the bed (Harder then you would think as the plastic wrap is clingy and grabbed into the sheets of the hotel bed) and did her on her side till she begged me to cum on her hair.... Condom off, let 'em fly....

You need to keep a pair of medical shears handy to get them out of the wrap and she was pretty sweaty, but it was an amazing experience. I recommend the roll with the handle, Home Depot or Uhaul or a shipping place should have them.


Bancroft1957's Avatar
I am exploring more and more fantasies of mine. More little things I have always wanted to try- I like some and others, well not so much.

But I have been contemplating a new idea. The one that involves S&M mixed with Saran wrap and a whole lotta passion. I love pain and I love to give it. But I also rather enjoy being most submissive too.
I am into being watched as well as watching.

So any ideas on how to put all of these things together into one great fantasy? I have never used Saran before but I saw someone wrapped in it once and it looked cool. I think I would like to try it. Originally Posted by KlassyKelliAnn
I recently thought about trying this....wrapping my lady with Saran Wrap or plastic wrap....not from head to toe, but more like a see thru bikini top and bottom. Is this a little too far out?
actionjackson647's Avatar
ive been wrapped from the neck down in saran wrap. completely immobilizing me. then she cut a swatch out for my ass so she could use her strap on.
Bancroft1957's Avatar
ive been wrapped from the neck down in saran wrap. completely immobilizing me. then she cut a swatch out for my ass so she could use her strap on. Originally Posted by actionjackson647

Looks like I'll need more than 1 roll of Saran Wrap!!!!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I recently thought about trying this....wrapping my lady with Saran Wrap or plastic wrap....not from head to toe, but more like a see thru bikini top and bottom. Is this a little too far out? Originally Posted by Bancroft1957
Go to Office Depot, or Home Depot, and get that plastic wrap that is used to wrap boxes and business stuff. It's on a roll type of thing. I'll see if I can find a picture of what I have.

Anyway ... it's cheap and a hell of a lot easier (and less expensive) than using actual Saran Wrap, which is what I've done in the past.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'm sure most of you either already know this or have considered it. You can get this roll of over 1000 feet of wrap for about $13 on Amazon.

Picture was too large to download and I don't feel like screwing with it. Here is a link.

With this little puppy, you can wrap up the ankles, legs, hands or even wrap up someone into a makeshift mummy. Lots to do with this stuff!!!

Bancroft1957's Avatar
I'm sure most of you either already know this or have considered it. You can get this roll of over 1000 feet of wrap for about $13 on Amazon.

Picture was too large to download and I don't feel like screwing with it. Here is a link.

With this little puppy, you can wrap up the ankles, legs, hands or even wrap up someone into a makeshift mummy. Lots to do with this stuff!!!

EW Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Won't I look out of place bringing that to an incall in a hotel? looking for something to fit in a leather briefcase.
Doglegg's Avatar
There was a scene of this in the movie "Pretty Baby" where a guy is wrapped in Saran in a whorehouse during a raid. Pretty damn funny watching him trying to get away when only able to bunny hop while wrapped up tight with the exception of his penis being left open and flopping about.

We had a young lady down here in SA that swore she would never do the Saran Wrap thing again. Too uncomfortable.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Won't I look out of place bringing that to an incall in a hotel? looking for something to fit in a leather briefcase. Originally Posted by Bancroft1957
It's not that big. It wouldn't fit in a traditional hard type of briefcase. I do carry it while I travel because you can use it for so many things.

If you carry a cross bag, or a briefcase that also carries a computer, then it depends on the type of bag that you carry. I just wrote a dumb statement but I think that you know what I mean.

Otherwise, just go with Saran Wrap, I guess. I used to use that stuff all of the time.
Bancroft1957's Avatar
It's not that big. It wouldn't fit in a traditional hard type of briefcase. I do carry it while I travel because you can use it for so many things.

If you carry a cross bag, or a briefcase that also carries a computer, then it depends on the type of bag that you carry. I just wrote a dumb statement but I think that you know what I mean.

Otherwise, just go with Saran Wrap, I guess. I used to use that stuff all of the time. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I don't judge statements! Thanks for the tips. This senario/fetish has moved to the top of my list.