So I made a really big mistake!!!

slow_and_low's Avatar
A few days ago I was headed for an Amp. I hide the cash in my car in the trunk.
I got the cash out got in the car and drove about 30 miles. Turned the car off and I had the worst message on my dash, my heart sunk, “ key fob not detected”! I thought I was a goner, I am parked in front of an amp and my key fob is gone and no way to start the car. I hit the start button and it fires up and I tear out of there and head home. It seems this car, unlike my bmw will start without the key fob as long as you don’t turn the car off AND shut the door.

Seems I sat my key on my car and drove off. I found the damaged key fob later in the road.

I was scrambling in my head figuring out how to call and say where I was. Or should I have it towed, all these thoughts coming in my head. Fortunately it wasn’t necessary!

I was panicked how I was going to explain this!

Anyone else have a story like this?
Hilarious .... although I'm sure it wasn't at the time. Now how to explain the brown stuff in your undies.
ManSlut's Avatar

If I would have been in your shoes and wasn’t able to start the vehicle, tow truck all the way, easy peezy lemon squeezy.

Now , I am not married and don’t have your worries, but here was a situation I found myself in several years ago:

Scheduled an hour incall with a provider; She had an incall at her private home; She would open the garage door for you to pull in upon arrival and she would close it after you pulled in; She felt this cut down on the nosey neighbors...Whatever...I take care of business, try to leave and find I locked my only set of keys in the car...She explains to me her old man will be home in one hour and he doesn’t know about her little side job!...WTF are you kidding me?!!!...I tried the wire coat hanger thing (she gave me one), door was too tight. I broke one of her plastic hairbrushes trying to use it as a wedge to work the coat hanger in...Fuck...I found a close by towing service to come by and the guy had a slim jim kit and I got out of there with about 10 mins to spare!...Haha

Moral to the story: I don’t pull into garages anymore at incalls, I will park around the corner and walk to her door if I have to and I started carrying a separate key on me, too.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Here's a trick I've been using for 10+ years. It requires a 2nd keyfob. If you found yourself with keys locked in car, call the person who has your 2nd fob, and have them hit the unlock button on the phone, then your doors unlock. How this works is the frequency travels thru the phones and unlocks the doors. When I first tried this, the car was 100 miles away, and it unlocked the doors.

Don't believe me, try it out for yourself
DallasRain's Avatar
Hmm interesting Mrred!

I had a gent in new orleans visit my hotel....he leaves after playtime and calls me 5 minutes after ssying his car had gotten stolen.Well turns out they towed his car for illegal parking!!
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 08-12-2019, 07:02 AM
Many years ago (when I was married) I was at an apartment complex on an early Sunday morning in far east Dallas (mesquite) and as I was leaving somebody came within an inch of backing right into my passenger door. No idea how I would have explained that one.
rexdutchman's Avatar
slow_and_low's Avatar
Yeah that would work if I had a second key fob!
slow_and_low's Avatar
The tow truck would have been my only option!