Healthcare for providers?

I find it interesting that no one in the healthcare field offers services for these ladies in the "profession". In addition to the obvious special women's services they need, indeed they are in need of healthcare for their routine wellness exams and more urgent care for routine illness calls. The need for screening for hypertension, cholestrol, heart disease, thyriod disease are needed for anyone over 25. I am sure that encompasses alot of the girls here. I am also sure they might be in need of care occasionally for their children and SO's. Being in the healthcare field, I understand the need for discretion, outlined under the hippocratic oath proviso, but the need for compassionate healthcare to these special women cannot be underestimated. I know there are other doctors, PA's, Nurse practioners (yes there are male NP's) on this site that are willing to provide quality, compassionate and private/discretionary care to the providers here. Time to chime in medical professionals. Let's help out.