President Obama made a good deal

  • DSK
  • 04-04-2015, 08:45 AM
I think President Obama made the best deal we can get with Iran.

It will stop them from stockpiling more weapons grade material, lower the number of centrifuges, and allow international inspections.

We now have a pathway to monitor what they are doing, and have positively influenced the chance for peace in the Middle East.

The Iranians appear to be happy with it and have committed to not developing nuclear weapons. This is an example of good high level diplomacy by his administration, and I think we should all support his efforts on the international stage.
Yes, because the leading state sponsor of terror is a good and worthy ally whose promises can be trusted.

By the way, how's that Marine who is locked up in Iran doing? I thought Obama never left anyone behind. Isn't this guy worth handing over a few more terrorists for? Why wasn't his release part of our negotiations?
  • DSK
  • 04-04-2015, 09:28 AM
Yes, because the leading state sponsor of terror is a good and worthy ally whose promises can be trusted.

By the way, how's that Marine who is locked up in Iran doing? I thought Obama never left anyone behind. Isn't this guy worth handing over a few more terrorists for? Why wasn't his release part of our negotiations? Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
We do not have to trust them, monitoring is part of the deal.

We don't bring everyone back, though we try very hard.
There are 124,909 US soldiers buried abroad, including 6 medal of Honor recipients, buried in Europe. There are even 6177 interred in Mexico City and Corozal Cemetaries.
We do not have to trust them, monitoring is part of the deal.

We don't bring everyone back, though we try very hard.
There are 124,909 US soldiers buried abroad, including 6 medal of Honor recipients, buried in Europe. There are even 6177 interred in Mexico City and Corozal Cemetaries. Originally Posted by DSK
Do you think Obama will go to war with them if they do not allow inspections?

It's going to happen. I don't think he has the balls to do it, and I think Iran knows it.
What did the west get in return?

Not much...and definitely less than what Iran got.

We got Iran's nuke breakout time increased from 4 months to 12 months. And that is if you believe what Kerry/Obama are telling us and assumes that Iran will cooperate fully with the UN inspectors (they haven't in the past) and that Iran won't speed up their breakout time (which is very possible).

It is a bad deal for the US and the region.

Obama the muslim threw the mullahs in Iran a life preserver...........
  • DSK
  • 04-04-2015, 09:59 AM
Do you think Obama will go to war with them if they do not allow inspections?

It's going to happen. I don't think he has the balls to do it, and I think Iran knows it. Originally Posted by nwarounder
You are probably right, we won't go to a full out war. However, we could drone strike the offending facilities.
drone strike w a bunker buster bomb?

the important facilities are hardened......Are you kidding me?

You are probably right, we won't go to a full out war. However, we could drone strike the offending facilities. Originally Posted by DSK
  • DSK
  • 04-04-2015, 10:03 AM
drone strike w a bunker buster bomb?

Are you kidding me? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
OK - make Israel do it with manned bombers - we paid for their planes and bombs, anyway.
There's no deal yet the media doesn't challenge Obama on his imagined victory lap. Now Obama's media strategy is to go to Congress to approve a deal that doesn't exist.

In the past, Iran has kicked out the inspectors, turned off the monitoring cameras and built facilities and equipment they were disallowed. What's to stop them from doing it again?

In June when the negotiations reopen, the deadline will just get extended and the WH will concede more.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think President Obama made the best deal we can get with Iran.

It will stop them from stockpiling more weapons grade material, lower the number of centrifuges, and allow international inspections.

We now have a pathway to monitor what they are doing, and have positively influenced the chance for peace in the Middle East.

The Iranians appear to be happy with it and have committed to not developing nuclear weapons. This is an example of good high level diplomacy by his administration, and I think we should all support his efforts on the international stage. Originally Posted by DSK
Oh yeah, the Iranians are happy. They got everything they wanted. They got more time, they got to keep what they have (the dispostion of it has not been worked out in real terms), and they still get to set the rules that the inspectors will work under. They even get to continue saying "Death to American" and "Death to Israel". If I was Obama I would take them seriously like Churchill took Hitler. Of course, Obama hates Churchill.

What did the US get? We wanted to stop enrichment, we're not getting that. We wanted to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, what we got was a promise from them that they will wait 10 years. What good is that promise? We didn't even ask them to knock off the rhetoric about death to this or death to that. We also didn't ask for:
The release of Americans held by Iran.
That they cease to sponsor terrorism in the Middle East.
That they stop suppling IEDs that are used to kill Americans and our allies.

A drone strike???? What are you smoking? A drone is very limited in what ordinance it can carry. It's load is relatively light. A bunker buster has to be carried by a very large aircraft. Think B-52, B-2, C-130, C-5A, or C-17. That is if a bunker buster will penetrate. To do that requires that we penetrate their airspace and this means suppressing their AA capabilities. This will not happen in a day. It means a protracted operation during which time the terrorists will go crazy in this country to change our plans. That is the meaning of terrorism isn't it. The threat or use of terror to change the political aims of another government.

FYI, the Hellfire missile weighs about 110 lbs and the Predator drone carries no more than four. Our bunker buster weighs about 30,000 lbs. Do the math.

As the final insult to injury; Obama has ignited a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. If it looks like Iran is going to get a nuke, the Saudis have now said that they would like a nuke as well. Kuwait and UAE are following suit.
I'm surprised Obama didn't give the Iranians the "Name Your Price" gun. Flo is a better negotiator.
I'm surprised Obama didn't give the Iranians the "Name Your Price" gun. Flo is a better negotiator. Originally Posted by gnadfly
That actually made me laugh out loud. What's worse is that it really shouldn't be funny at all since there is too much truth to it.

The Iranians appear to be happy with it and have committed to not developing nuclear weapons. ... Originally Posted by DSK

You are a Gruber.............

The Iranians have NOT COMMITTED to NOT developing a nuclear weapon. And you are a nincompoop if you think the happy dancing in Tehran is indicative of a fair deal for the West. It is a celebration over the great (favorably one sided deal) the Iranians believe they got.
I think President Obama made the best deal we can get with Iran.

It will stop them from stockpiling more weapons grade material, lower the number of centrifuges, and allow international inspections.

We now have a pathway to monitor what they are doing, and have positively influenced the chance for peace in the Middle East.

The Iranians appear to be happy with it and have committed to not developing nuclear weapons. This is an example of good high level diplomacy by his administration, and I think we should all support his efforts on the international stage. Originally Posted by DSK
You really do live in a fantasy world
ROFL the ink isn't even dry yet and Iran is already strutting and posturing.

There is a phrase that suits this occasion.

Can't remember what it is. Just give me a minute.

Hmmmm.....damn. Something to do with 'told'.

Think.......think........think .....

Oh wait! I got it. Oh yeah. We told you so.