Why note have a national vote, wall or no wall

oilfieldace's Avatar
Thumbs up or thumps down to Roe V Wade, up or down on guns. If you truly want a government of WE THE PEOPLE let us vote.
Because democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for lunch. A representative republic a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

In other words, you don't want the mindless masses taking away your inalienable rights.
oilfieldace's Avatar
It was a rhetorical question. But I like your answer. I would like to go back to Governors appointing Senators
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
It was a rhetorical question. But I like your answer. I would like to go back to Governors appointing Senators Originally Posted by oilfieldace

legislature appointed the senators in other states.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Last time WE THE PEOPLE voted, Hillary Clinton was selected President.

Are you sure you want to start basing our democracy on what the majority of people think?

Of course, that would require making it possible for all citizens to vote. You wanna do that too?

There may be hope for you yet, oilfieldace.

oilfieldace's Avatar
Nope and dead people and illegal aliens are not supposed to be counted as votes. One needs to venture any further than South Texas to see just how corrupt the Demmerats are
Nope and dead people and illegal aliens are not supposed to be counted as votes. One needs to venture any further than South Texas to see just how corrupt the Demmerats are Originally Posted by oilfieldace
I'll see your corrupt South Texas Democrats and raise you the crooked Democrats in Albany, NY.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 10-12-2018, 08:46 AM
Why not have a national vote , wall or no wall Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Why not the folks that want a wall pony up the money?
Gotyour6's Avatar
Why not the folks that want a wall pony up the money? Originally Posted by WTF
And those that want to give away healthcare pony up the money.
And free food to the lazy pony up the money

How about those that want illegals here and pop out fuck trophys pony up the money?

Dems would be paying a shit ton out of their own pocket wouldn't they?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How about those who owe their taxes pay them?

I'm still waiting to see ANY evidence of dead people and illegals voting in US federal elections.

Yet it continues to be a shrill talking point of the Trump loyalists... even though that crew shrinks every day. Just like Trump's tiny, er, hands.

Come on, oilfieldace, produce the evidence that Trump couldn't produce.

Tick tock.
The wall is about national security. Was before Trump, will be after Trump. I don't remember Obama tearing down any border walls. I believe some actually went up during his tenure.
Thumbs up or thumps down to Roe V Wade, up or down on guns. If you truly want a government of WE THE PEOPLE let us vote. Originally Posted by oilfieldace

Letting "we the people" vote everything up or down. Yeah, brilliant idea! Don't you think that would be a slippery slope upon which people could get way too carried away? How about letting everyone vote on whether they want more in the way of transfer payments and other forms of government support? All paid for by high income earners, of course. What do you think would happen if a small community of five wolves and four lambs voted on what to have for dinner?

Better be careful what you wish for!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
State of California leaves everything up the the people.

Is that what you want oilfieldace?

With such a system of referenda, would literacy requirements also be imposed?

How about campaign finance restrictions?

Kinda gotta think things like this through. Right?
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts upheld Obamacare saying elections have consequences How many people commenting here actually pay taxes or get EIC refunding more than they pay in
WTF's Avatar
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  • 10-12-2018, 11:42 AM

Dems would be paying a shit ton out of their own pocket wouldn't they? Originally Posted by Gotyour6
Not as much as the Repukes would be paying out for their beloved military to prance all over the world propping up two bit Dictators like the Saudis

I say we go to voluntary tax payments.....folks only pay towards what thay want.

You want a wall....designate your taxes go to a wall.