Fox reports Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts refers Kavanaugh ethics complaints to outside judges for investigation!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
While Twitler was busy taunting and gloating (along with the vocal minority, I might add) over Kavanaugh's inevitable appointment -- something that was never in doubt -- it seems like everybody overlooked the serious allegations of judicial misconduct against Justice Fuckstick.

But Chief Justice Roberts didn't.

Seems like someone who has to spend his entire time defending his record might not have been such a wise pick for Twitler. But maybe Kanye has a better idea ... he probably got more time with Twitler yesterday than Melania got all week.

Fake news?
  • grean
  • 10-12-2018, 10:38 AM
The DC court simply requested Roberts to send it another court as to avoid any appearance of bias as it was the court he sat on previously.

Kavanaugh may or may not have done anything.
Gotyour6's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
So what? He has to.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What if it's proven that he lied under oath?

What then?
lustylad's Avatar
When will we investigate Ruth Bader Ginsburg for showing blatant bias and violating judicial ethics?

Given her publicly expressed animus toward Donald Trump, is she not obligated by judicial ethical guidelines to recuse herself from any SCOTUS cases that challenge Trump administration policies?
oilfieldace's Avatar
That's ok pustular she is a card carrying liberal. Someone said you can't impeach someone for being partisan ,yet that is exactly what they are trying to do to Judge K. Prove him lying about what? Give it up , this man is like country music he is there to stay
oilfieldace's Avatar
Lusty lad, was changed to pustular , not real sure what a pustular is ,
oilfieldace's Avatar
What is truly said he is being accused of the same behavior RBG in her diatribe against Trump, difference is she wasn't accused of rape by three lying ass bitches. As I have said libs have no character or integrity
lustylad's Avatar
Oil-ace... the edit button is your friend. You can correct any typos or make other changes within 60 minutes of all posts.
lustylad's Avatar
What is truly said he is being accused of the same behavior as RBG in her diatribe against Trump, difference is she wasn't accused of rape by three lying ass bitches. Originally Posted by oilfieldace

Kavanaugh's anger was understandable and temporary. It is unlikely to impair his future objectivity on the bench.

RBG's bias is unprovoked, deeply partisan and permanent. It continues to taint all of her judicial opinions.
Bully5904's Avatar
What if it's proven that he lied under oath?

What then? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What if, why don't you tell us what if
oilfieldace's Avatar
Depends of what the definition of if is
pyramider's Avatar
Oil-ace... the edit button is your friend. You can correct any typos or make other changes within 60 minutes of all posts. Originally Posted by lustylad
Remember his IQ thread.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Do you there isn't the computer/ phone question on an IQ test, didn't think so!