Thank you Providers

To all the providers who have graciously left their subscriptions to various streaming services like Amazon Prime, Hulu, Netflix etc on my TV's after we had an amazing encounter please I am eternally grateful. Please continue to pay for these services so I can continue to enjoy them plus every time I flip them on I think quite fondly of you albeit I haven't seen most of you'll in months. But thanks anyway booski!
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
Share a password or two with a fellow monger?
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
What a lucky fella!

Have a great day and Happy Hobbying!
latinluvr465's Avatar
Stop using my AOL account Pit!
I have full cable, but I'm just learning this streaming shit as well. I honestly want to move but don't because I have so many providers streaming services locked in to my tv as well as my cable and I ain't paying for all that shit
Cendell M's Avatar
^^^\ Do you know who you remind me of, you remind me of shine pro just your post and style and the things that you say I could be wrong but that’s who you remind me of, a little suspicious ehhh lol all I'm going to say to you CendellM. You'll overthink things. Maybe it's my lot in life I have to work so hard to get pussy I rarely think about anything besides work and that. You'll got too much time on your hands.
And please enlighten me. Who the hell is shine pro
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
And please enlighten me. Who the hell is shine pro Originally Posted by Pitroom
A local manservant to all the "certified playaz".
Dog walker, laundry go getter, ride fetcher...foook!
Wait wtf 🤣🤣
Ericka xoxo's Avatar
Smart guy
Cendell M's Avatar all I'm going to say to you CendellM. You'll overthink things. Maybe it's my lot in life I have to work so hard to get pussy I rarely think about anything besides work and that. You'll got too much time on your hands. Originally Posted by Pitroom
Do you think I have a lot of time on my hands that’s why you asked me for a session right? I just said I thought you might be shine proud because of the writing style was just a guess that’s all didn’t mean nothing by it. I’m not the one that starts all these threads so who has the time on their hands you silly
Do you think I have a lot of time on my hands that’s why you asked me for a session right? I just said I thought you might be shine proud because of the writing style was just a guess that’s all didn’t mean nothing by it. I’m not the one that starts all these threads so who has the time on their hands you silly Originally Posted by Cendell M
I'm not anybody but someone who spends alot of money on vagina. Yes i asked to see you because you have great feet, and I like to have sex with different women, plus well I'm not going to say that, but in reading a respected hobbyist spoke highly of you.....that's it. None of this is important honestly. I got into an argument with my sister, my kids who I don't see want some expensive shit I'll probably not buy for Christmas. That's important. This is and you are good. We made a lasting peace and that's all I want here. Dfk and a nut. You provide that we good. You said you won't but we are good. I want peace. I'll get it from someone
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
  • pxmcc
  • 12-13-2022, 06:44 AM
A local manservant to all the "certified playaz".
Dog walker, laundry go getter, ride fetcher...foook! Originally Posted by MarcellusWalluz
you nailed it marcellus. but still a legit-although emotionally needy- gangsta who most white guys on this site would prefer not to, and would not, actually diss in person. that's part of what's funny about the shinepro backstory. plus u gotta give props to a dude who calls himself out as a loyal manservant to his triple OG..