After spending millions and telling that many lies about Trump

oilfieldace's Avatar
Trump is the man.

The sad part for the American taxpayer , the Dims could have saved us millions just by doing nothing. Trump was always going to be the nominee that just fortified his position. Careful what you wish for!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trump lives at the confluence of evil and idiocy.

The Democrats couldn’t have asked for a bigger gift.

Once again, the people will rise up and defend America.

March on!
eyecu2's Avatar
Trump is the nominee of the GOP- nobody ever said that wasn't going to be likely. We just said that statistically speaking, he's not the best bet to beat the DEMS. But enjoy the afterglow of the two tiniest states throwing a banana to your monkey. As the field of morons drops to one, that will be the focus of not only the DEMS, but the criminal justice system since he's facing multiple counts of improprieties and laws that needed to be broken - according to him, and his absolute immunity claims.

I'm predicting the smell of flames and charcoal when that case hits the supreme court. Sorry Charlie, but we like our POTUS candidates who don't break laws and lead insurrections; and then claim they did it in the name of justice and to ensure a fair election- Hey Brad, just show me the 11790 ....VOwwwtes.

You may look past that, and the corn husking state of IOWA might, but most of middle america, are gonna say sayonara, to the guy who set back womens' rights back 2-3 generations.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
They won’t forget

ICU 812's Avatar
With all that out there now, let's talk policy.

In what way is the Biden administration's policy of allowing unrestricted entry for anyone from anywhere a good thig for America?

In what way is the Biden Administration's policy towards Communist China good for America?

I could go on , . . .
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sorry that’s really not the subject here, if I understand the op.

He seems to believe that the democrats spent money investigating Trump in an effort to convince the GOPvoters of Iowa and New Hampshire to not vote for him.

Do you have an opinion about that?
Precious_b's Avatar
They won’t forget

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Amen. They have a very strong undertone of hating women.

With all that out there now, let's talk policy.. . . Originally Posted by ICU 812
REALLY! They should have been doing that a long time ago. Nope. The people would REALLY like to hear policy. But donny just likes to do his same old senile rants.

*IF* there is ever a debate involving joey/donny, the senile one will show themselve first. Personally, I would just like to see them duke it out. Said in the past and still believe it now: joey would clean his clock.
The Democrats want Trump to win. He is the only candidate Biden can beat.

But, there is the possibility he will win the General.

They all better find a place to hide if he does.
The Democrats want Trump to win. He is the only candidate Biden can beat.

But, there is the possibility he will win the General.

They all better find a place to hide if he does. Originally Posted by Jackie S
If Trump wins the election they'll start a new Russia Hoax.