Encounter: Rose Love

User ID: -
Date: 8/30/21
Name: Rose Love
Phone: she will provide
Email Address: roselove1419@gmail.com
URL / Website: -
City: Warsaw
State: New York
Address: Warsaw
Activities: BBJ, MPOS, COB
Hair Length and Color: long, black
Age: late 20s, early 30s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: overweight, long black hair, huge titties but firm and responsive, 5'3ish, around 160lbs
Recommendation: Yes
Dr-epg's Avatar
jokacz's Avatar
Perhaps if you believed the truth tellers rather than the simps it would have saved you the trouble. To paraphrase H.L. Mencken, Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of most Upset reviewers.

Thank you for your honesty, waiting for the shit storm.
buffalomw10's Avatar
This review gives a different perspective from all the other reviews. Maybe if I’m headed in that direction but I don’t know about a special trip, ijs. Different strokes for different folks. Thanks for the review.
I’ve seen her 3 times and she has the greatest tits I’ve ever seen in person. She’s nice and gets into it. Great time. That being said, if you aren’t that impressed with her, it’s no reason for others to get mad. Different strokes for different folks.
buffalomw10's Avatar
Who got mad?
12InchClock's Avatar
lilylivered's Avatar
Who got mad? Originally Posted by buffalomw10
One person was name calling and always has to preach on this girls reviews....
Wow Rose was like 39 last week and now 160lb , can't wait to see what next week brings. Seen Rose many times always a pleasure !
She always delivers the goods.nice girl
rooster's Avatar
One person was name calling and always has to preach on this girls reviews.... Originally Posted by lilylivered
Really? You would say that? Thought you wuz a fan...

And...ONE person?

Though perhaps I have misunderstood you, and you intend jokeass as the "one"...the "preacher"....cuz he don't never miss a chance...despite never seein her nekkid...

jokacz's Avatar
I'd post a linck (sic) to the "nekkid" porn vids, but some wk defrocked mod would break his wrist hitting the RTM button.

lilylivered's Avatar
Really? You would say that? Thought you wuz a fan...

And...ONE person?

Though perhaps I have misunderstood you, and you intend jokeass as the "one"...the "preacher"....cuz he don't never miss a chance...despite never seein her nekkid...

. Originally Posted by rooster
reading is fundamental
rooster's Avatar
I'd post a linck (sic) to the "nekkid" porn vids, but some wk defrocked mod would break his wrist hitting the RTM button.

Originally Posted by jokacz
Or...you WOULDN'T do it cuz....you been banned over and over and over and over fer bein "enamored" with outing folks....posting their RL shit..

Some might even call it a..."sickness"...that you have...

jokacz's Avatar
Or...you WOULDN'T do it cuz....you been banned over and over and over and over fer bein "enamored" with outing folks....posting their RL shit..

Some might even call it a..."sickness"...that you have...

. Originally Posted by rooster
Perhaps the sickness is yours, banning people over and over and over, if only on Pauline's failed site as a has been mod.

Or are you just "enamored" with hookers with a rap sheet longer than your dick?