George Soros Wins Prosecutorial Elections in DC Suburbs

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

I believe he simply saw these jurisdictions as opportunities to easily inject his brand of extreme neoleftism, and prosecutor races, which are normally ignored by megadonors, was the easiest point of infiltration.

The result of hand-picking prosecutors is the most direct way of effectuating change.

soros has been funding DA/AG races as they are "low dollar" affairs. In terms of out-funding, its tipped the scales in favor of an extreme radical democrat challenger against a republican or democrat incumbent who is not radical enough.

what are the ramifications of what Soros is doing.
Loser prosecutors who allow crime in liberal cities will not help the average working man.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Liberal prosecutors who owe a direct debt to George Soros can be counted upon to prosecute politicians of the right and, more importantly, not prosecute politicians of the left.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Liberal prosecutors who owe a direct debt to George Soros can be counted upon to prosecute politicians of the right and, more importantly, not prosecute politicians of the left. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

yeah, that's my concern.

the democrat that lost was rightly pissed that an outside funding helped his democrat opponent in the race by 2 to 1.

I think he is also funding sheriff races too. those are also low dollar affairs.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ yeah win by any means ^^ the lsm will not touch Georgie