Trump says it’s safe to reopen states as governors grapple with loosening restrictions

Jaxson66's Avatar
President Trump on Sunday sought to reassure Americans that it is safe for states to reopen amid the coronavirus pandemic, offering support to protesters who have railed against the lockdowns across the country.

“I really believe that you can go to parks, you can go to beaches . . . [if] you stay away a certain amount,” Trump said during a Fox News Channel town hall at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington.

Trump said that it’s possible to “satisfy both” anti-lockdown protesters and those who are afraid to resume public life. He noted that Americans have been wearing face masks and social distancing in recent weeks and said that “you’re going to have to do that for a while,” even as states reopen their economies.

He scaled up the estimate he has used for the number of expected dead — projecting that the U.S. toll may be as high as 100,000, up from his prior prediction of 65,000 — while emphasizing that he takes the novel coronavirus seriously and noting that three of his friends have died after contracting it.

the great leader has told 1600 documented lies his first term and now he wants me to trust him...sheeeet.

67k dead and counting
President Trump on Sunday sought to reassure Americans that it is safe for states to reopen amid the coronavirus pandemic, offering support to protesters who have railed against the lockdowns across the country.

“I really believe that you can go to parks, you can go to beaches . . . [if] you stay away a certain amount,” Trump said during a Fox News Channel town hall at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington.

Trump said that it’s possible to “satisfy both” anti-lockdown protesters and those who are afraid to resume public life. He noted that Americans have been wearing face masks and social distancing in recent weeks and said that “you’re going to have to do that for a while,” even as states reopen their economies.

He scaled up the estimate he has used for the number of expected dead — projecting that the U.S. toll may be as high as 100,000, up from his prior prediction of 65,000 — while emphasizing that he takes the novel coronavirus seriously and noting that three of his friends have died after contracting it.

the great leader has told 1600 documented lies his first term and now he wants me to trust him...sheeeet.

67k dead and counting
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
So you don't think it's a good idea to have people get out and about if they properly social distance?

That's exactly what the POTUS said that you are somehow trying to downplay.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
So you don't think it's a good idea to have people get out and about if they properly social distance?

That's exactly what the POTUS said that you are somehow trying to downplay. Originally Posted by eccielover
Unfortunately people are getting out and, unless forced to do so by stores where they are shopping or restaurants where they may be eating, they are not for the most part following social distancing rules. Did you see the protesters at the various state capitols? Did you see pictures of people at the beaches? More and more states are eliminating the requirement to wear masks.

Trump just raised his predicted death toll for the coronavirus in the U.S. from 65,000 to as high as 100,000. So we're getting close to the original esimates of between 100,000 and 250,000 possible deaths attributed to the virus.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Actually, big shooter, it looks like 1,600 is a seriously low number for Trumps lies.

Perhaps you meant to say 16,000 documented lies... it’s a staggering figures, the likes of which the world has never seen before, eh?
President Trump on Sunday sought to reassure Americans that it is safe for states to reopen amid the coronavirus pandemic, offering support to protesters who have railed against the lockdowns across the country.

“I really believe that you can go to parks, you can go to beaches . . . [if] you stay away a certain amount,” Trump said during a Fox News Channel town hall at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington.

Trump said that it’s possible to “satisfy both” anti-lockdown protesters and those who are afraid to resume public life. He noted that Americans have been wearing face masks and social distancing in recent weeks and said that “you’re going to have to do that for a while,” even as states reopen their economies.

He scaled up the estimate he has used for the number of expected dead — projecting that the U.S. toll may be as high as 100,000, up from his prior prediction of 65,000 — while emphasizing that he takes the novel coronavirus seriously and noting that three of his friends have died after contracting it.

the great leader has told 1600 documented lies his first term and now he wants me to trust him...sheeeet.

67k dead and counting
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You shouldn't be allowed in public anyway, pandemic or no pandemic. So stay your wimpy ass inside.
Jaxson66's Avatar
So you don't think it's a good idea to have people get out and about if they properly social distance?

That's exactly what the POTUS said that you are somehow trying to downplay. Originally Posted by eccielover
My comment was about his trustworthiness..or lack there of.

Here in Texas, Abbott has opened with guidelines that I believe are reasonable. My only disagreement was opening the beaches. Last weekend in Galveston the beaches were packed and there were multiple restaurants along the sea wall who did not follow the one quarter occupancy guidelines. The only reason those folks were there was the beaches. It’s too soon.
Unfortunately people are getting out and, unless forced to do so by stores where they are shopping or restaurants where they may be eating, they are not for the most part following social distancing rules. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Which means they are not following Trumps suggestions.

So what's your alternative. Total oppressive lockdown, continued strangulation of business, something else?
HoeHummer's Avatar
You shouldn't be allowed in public anyway, pandemic or no pandemic. So stay your wimpy ass inside. Originally Posted by Levianon17
But we thought yous were for freedom and liberty... nobody tell nobody what’s to do, eh?

Yous seem conflicted.
Jaxson66's Avatar
You shouldn't be allowed in public anyway, pandemic or no pandemic. So stay your wimpy ass inside. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Well tuffy, until you and cohorts attempt to drag me to a “ work will make you free camp” I’ll be going where I damn well please.
My comment was about his trustworthiness..or lack there of.

Here in Texas, Abbott has opened with guidelines that I believe are reasonable. My only disagreement was opening the beaches. Last weekend in Galveston the beaches were packed and there were multiple restaurants along the sea wall who did not follow the one quarter occupancy guidelines. The only reason those folks were there was the beaches. It’s too soon. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
So your entire point is that while you largely agree with the message and sentiment of what Trump said, since it's also basically what Abbott is doing, you are going to shoot the messenger simply because he is the messenger.

Like I keep saying your own words and sources are the best refutation of your bullshit Trump hatred that there is.
bambino's Avatar
So your entire point is that while you largely agree with the message and sentiment of what Trump said, since it's also basically what Abbott is doing, you are going to shoot the messenger simply because he is the messenger.

Like I keep saying your own words and sources are the best refutation of your bullshit Trump hatred that there is. Originally Posted by eccielover
Jax doesn’t know wether to shit or piss. Trump is following Fauci and Birx. If you want to go out, wear a mask and social distance. If you want to stay home, stay there. Simple as that. In states that are gradually opening. He disagreed with the Governor of Georgia who is a Republican and opened first. Trump didn’t send Covid patients to nursing homes like Cuomo did. That was a death sentence for many people.
But we thought yous were for freedom and liberty... nobody tell nobody what’s to do, eh?

Yous seem conflicted. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Iam all about that. That's why I don't comply with stupid directives from these flakes in Government. But someone like the OP who can't do anything but complain about every little thing Trump does should stay out of the public domain. Trump is trying to get the country back to it's upright position but the Liberals to resists.
Well tuffy, until you and cohorts attempt to drag me to a “ work will make you free camp” I’ll be going where I damn well please. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Nobody has to drag you anywhere. If the Government wanted to keep shelter in place indefinitely you would be all for it, as long as a Democrat is in charge. It's guys like you that will cause this country to fall.
  • oeb11
  • 05-04-2020, 10:06 AM
Local and state government have a better handle on their individual situations ( except for the controlling idiots of kalifornia and NY).
Trump is right - Montana is very different than LA or NYC. and should be handled differently
j66 is whining because the Fascist DPST's hav one answer to all issues - Big Government - and the bigger and more expensive to citizens - and the more controlling - the better.

Need an example - kalifonrnia and NY - the highest taxed states in the union - and ny with its execrable management and planing - one of the highest death rates of Wuhan virus.

So - j66- agitatinig fo the usual "one size fits all" ny answer by Fascist DPST's - the "China model" as it were.

go bow to you leader - Comrade Xi!
and get some professional help. U need it badly. Life is much better without the hate and programming and conditioning by China news network and the WaCompost,
Jaxson66's Avatar
So your entire point is that while you largely agree with the message and sentiment of what Trump said, since it's also basically what Abbott is doing, you are going to shoot the messenger simply because he is the messenger.

Like I keep saying your own words and sources are the best refutation of your bullshit Trump hatred that there is. Originally Posted by eccielover
Nope, the great leader implied it was safe...if it’s safe then why not open at 100%? The great leader doesn’t know if it’s safe and neither do I , Abbott, or you.

Like I keep saying, I didn’t invite you, your threads are easy for me to ignore, so ignore mine.

67k dead and counting