The CDC admitted that the vaccine causes Myocarditis

valkyra's Avatar
spotted this on the blue bird today

- most common in people that have the second dose

They do still recommend vaccination. But I am curious to see how this evolves. I wonder if they tell people with pre-existing heart conditions to possibly not get the vaccine now, because the inflamed heart could lead to other issues or worsening a pre-existing issuse?

(TAKEN FROM THE CDC WEBSITE) Yes. CDC continues to recommend that everyone ages 5 years and older get vaccinated for COVID-19. The known risks of COVID-19 illness and its related, possibly severe complications, such as long-term health problems, hospitalization, and even death, far outweigh the potential risks of having a rare adverse reaction to vaccination, including the possible risk of myocarditis or pericarditis.
But they don't mention anything about people with weak hearts or heart conditions? I'm not familiar with Myocarditis, but I feel like if it is serious enough to mention as a side effect, it should be serious enough to warn people who might be at risk of developing or worsening a condition.
valkyra's Avatar
this is what google has to say about myocarditis
I had a heart attack 15 years ago.

I have two jabs and a booster in me and just went through open heart bypass surgery because of myocarditis.

I'm not sayin.... but....
Neil Young just removed his music from eccie
lilylivered's Avatar
It’s funny when you see them call it “mild”. Heart inflammation is never mild. You never get those cells back.
valkyra's Avatar
It’s funny when you see them call it “mild”. Heart inflammation is never mild. You never get those cells back. Originally Posted by KingInTheNorth
Yeah, I thought the CDC worded it on their site to make it seem like... a very mild thing, when it really isn't at all. And when I looked it up on google, it was listed as rare and pretty dangerous.

The CDC doesn't say what age range this "side effect" is most common in... so does that mean that children who are getting vaxxed and boosted could possibly have weaker hearts, for the rest of their lives now?

How many undiagnosed slash untreated cases of myocarditis are going to lead to lifelong issues now, I wonder?
So soon we will hit a million deaths from Covid in this country, but conspiracy theorists worry about a one in a million complication that may or may not even cause lasting problems. This is the same mentality that leads people to fear bears, sharks, and airplanes, yet they have a few and hop in their car without a thought. mindless.
So soon we will hit a million deaths from Covid in this country, but conspiracy theorists worry about a one in a million complication that may or may not even cause lasting problems. This is the same mentality that leads people to fear bears, sharks, and airplanes, yet they have a few and hop in their car without a thought. mindless. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
Perhaps a million deaths with Covid, not because of it. It's a fairly transmissible virus and we are all going to get it. Not a surprise that people with multiple co-morbidities are dying with it. I weighed my risk factors and took the pfizer last year, but at this point I think we all need to step out of the fear porn on the news everyday.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So soon we will hit a million deaths from Covid in this country, but conspiracy theorists worry about a one in a million complication that may or may not even cause lasting problems. This is the same mentality that leads people to fear bears, sharks, and airplanes, yet they have a few and hop in their car without a thought. mindless. Originally Posted by Taskmaster

i define mindless as believing mindlessly anything the CDC says about anything. do you really believe nearly 1 million people died of covid and only covid? the pcr tests are worthless. the death count is grossly over-counted. the reason is clear, "fear the death plague and do what we say".

none of this is happening by accident or nature. it was planned.
Mr Dingleberry's Avatar
the death count is grossly over-counted. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
It so is just for money.
i define mindless as believing mindlessly anything the CDC says about anything. do you really believe nearly 1 million people died of covid and only covid? the pcr tests are worthless. the death count is grossly over-counted. the reason is clear, "fear the death plague and do what we say".

none of this is happening by accident or nature. it was planned. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Excellent example of natural selection. Keep thinking that way.
Perhaps a million deaths with Covid, not because of it. It's a fairly transmissible virus and we are all going to get it. Not a surprise that people with multiple co-morbidities are dying with it. I weighed my risk factors and took the pfizer last year, but at this point I think we all need to step out of the fear porn on the news everyday. Originally Posted by mikeoh
Sure, some of the people would die from other causes, but many died from Covid. I have seen plenty of people without risk factors die from it. I also don't believe in living in fear , but not getting the vaccine is just stupid. Your chances of a bad side effect are minuscule compared to the ramifications of not getting the vaccine.
So soon we will hit a million deaths from Covid in this country, but conspiracy theorists worry about a one in a million complication that may or may not even cause lasting problems. This is the same mentality that leads people to fear bears, sharks, and airplanes, yet they have a few and hop in their car without a thought. mindless. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
Your use of the term conspiracy theorist reveals your orientation as one who believes in authority and authoritarianism of those that make the rules. There is comfort in being part of the herd, but the heard lacks curiosity of the true nature of things. Human consciousness is driven through those that question and want to know the truth (Your definition of conspiracy theorist)

If the gene therapy is safe why was the Prep Act implemented that removes all liability of those that produce it, promote it and administer it.
Task, thanks for introducing an element of sanity into this thread.