Omaha/CB LE WTF???

Bigh1955's Avatar
What's going on around here that we're seeing so much activity from our local LE?...I was out of town Thursday and Friday and got home to discover the hobby under seige. I've read the articles and threads. Anyone have any insight?
huskerguyomaha's Avatar
No new insight. It comes down to what has been mentioned before on here

1) Local LE has federal grant $$ to go after it

2) It's an election year. Gives the illusion that our elected officials are tough on crime.

It's going to be a L-O-N-G year!

As others on here have said, go after the pimps, go after the human trafficers that are forcing innocent young gals to do this, go after the gals that are doing this to support their drug habits and get them some help. But then legalize it, license it, hell even tax it (within reason).
Take a close look at the people they have busted....those mugshots pretty much sum it up.
Bigh1955's Avatar
I don't think I'd look good in a mugshot...or on the evening news for that matter. I don't think I'll be venturing away from known waters for awhile.