Marriage and the provider

So I go to see this lady I have seen a few times before and today while chatting she mentions that she is married. I guess to most guys, no big deal but to me it was a little alarming! OK, so it was only a L1 massage but I could not in a million years imagining my SO touching another mans junk. I have also seen a great lady but she is now getting married and says it won't change her providing.

Does it bother anyone else? Am I being paranoid by thinking the husband could walk in at any moment? Ladies, what are your thoughts and how do you make sure the OLD MAN don't get a fit of rage about it?
jerkn2u's Avatar
I seen a provider once who was engaged and was wearing the ring on her finger during the session. Didnt bother me a bit.
Most guys who hobby are married what's the difference? I sometimes worry if their wives find out, follow them, ... same risk for both parties.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
The term is: Cuckold. It's a turn on for some men. I'm surprised you've never come across this on the Internet.
Providers in LTRs have to know their SOs well enough to TRUST that they would never ever cause upset to their business as providers. It works best when the SO is completely aware of her line of work, and they have discussed it thoroughly to both of their satisfaction. From the tone of your conversations with these two providers, one might surmise that both of their SOs know of their work. It is also her responsibility to protect your privacy as her client, so the SO should never know who she sees. I have only ever heard of things going badly when the provider has not told her SO what she does and it comes out unexpectedly. Keep cool, but after gathering the facts (take your emotions out of it), if you truly feel your safety is at risk, you need to move on.
pyramider's Avatar
The ladies' relationships are none of my business.
cheatercheater's Avatar
If she is a provider she is fucking a lot of other guys. What do I care if one of them happens to be her husband?

And if Ms. Foster would marry me I would be one of those husbands!
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
It's not the SOs who know that you have to watch out for, it's the SOs who don't. Especially ones with Special Forces training. A woman who thinks that she can provide and keep her SO ignorant in perpetuity is either foolish or arrogant.
I am a married provider and actualy will be renewing my wedding vows on 9-13-13. I will be retiring in June as most of you already know. My SO has always known what i did and i cant say he loved the idea of my being with other men but, it put me through school and has given me a carrer that I will always have as well as let us give our children more than the average 2 parent income. He has always worked never depended on just me to bring home the money and it worked well for us becuase theres two HUGE things that we have for each other thats RESPECT and HONESTY.
I have no problem fucking a married provider or one with a boyfriend.. as long as it does not interfere with our business. You would be surprised how many are either married or have an SO or a SD..
I kinda like the idea of fucking the shit out of them.. giving them a taste of the sex she should be getting..
jbravo_123's Avatar
It's not the SOs who know that you have to watch out for, it's the SOs who don't. Especially ones with Special Forces training. A woman who thinks that she can provide and keep her SO ignorant in perpetuity is either foolish or arrogant. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
Just like those hobbyists who hide their hobbying from their SOs?
Maybe its just us younger generation who engage in open relationships with their SO, or swing and otherwise are more focused on her being happy than who's she sleeping with...
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Just like those hobbyists who hide their hobbying from their SOs? Originally Posted by jbravo_123
No. There's a big difference between a guy sneaking away from work or home or wherever he's supposed to be or an hour at a time, once a week or less frequently, and a woman trying to do the same thing once or several times a day or week. Even a BF who's out of town four or five days a week can get suspicious.

Or, to look at it another way, if you could quantify the risk of being found out that a guy takes in hobbying, you'd have to multiply it several times (at least) to get the same number for a woman who provides.