Stood up by Asianyaya

Had an appt today with Asianyaya. Got the email with all the necessary instructions minus the actual appt number. Par for the course, no problem.
Get to the gated apts, gate is open so I drive in.
I was told to "call, text, or email" upon arrival. I chose to email, since I am separated from my Hobby Phone. I email at 2:20, ten minutes prior to my 2:30 appt time. Heard nothing by 2:30, so emailed again. Waited 5 minutes, nada. I email again. Nada. Now it's 2:45, 15 min after my appt time. Still nothing. I email one more time with a "need to hear from you by 2:50" message. My hobby sense was telling me I was wasting my time and I was.

Today was the only day this week, and 2:30 was the only time today that I could do this. Why do providers spend the time and therefore the money to set up an appt and then blow it off? Now I'm pissed so she's foregoing all future income streams from this hobbyist.

Crazydude shall not return!
  • Ender
  • 03-17-2013, 03:04 PM
That sucks man, sorry your time was wasted. Not a good business decision on her part. Better luck with someone else next time.
Thank you, Ender. More fish in the sea!
HoustonMatt's Avatar
Dude, sucks u didn't get to see this fine gal. I woulda just called or txted her from my real phone. Emails don't always go thru right away...... heck, even txt messages sometimes don't get received right away. Yaya isn't one to NS, but sucks it had to happen to u.
HoustonMatt, I hear you. I thought about that, too. I was there, I was so close, and I love her "ethnic mix." But then I thought, "maybe the Hobby Gods are looking out for me," and saving me from a bad situation.
At this point, I will never know.

By the way, love the Maria Ozawa avatar. She's a beauty.

Thanks for letting me rant, brethren!

HoustonMatt's Avatar
I guarantee u would have a good time with her. If the hobby gods are looking out for u, she'll try and make things right. Cheers brother
LickHer's Avatar
Had an appt today with Asianyaya. Got the email with all the necessary instructions minus the actual appt number. Par for the course, no problem.
Get to the gated apts, gate is open so I drive in.
I was told to "call, text, or email" upon arrival. I chose to email, since I am separated from my Hobby Phone. I email at 2:20, ten minutes prior to my 2:30 appt time. Heard nothing by 2:30, so emailed again. Waited 5 minutes, nada. I email again. Nada. Now it's 2:45, 15 min after my appt time. Still nothing. I email one more time with a "need to hear from you by 2:50" message. My hobby sense was telling me I was wasting my time and I was.

Today was the only day this week, and 2:30 was the only time today that I could do this. Why do providers spend the time and therefore the money to set up an appt and then blow it off? Now I'm pissed so she's foregoing all future income streams from this hobbyist.

Crazydude shall not return! Originally Posted by crazydude
EMAIL?? C'mon dude... That's for setting up an appointment tomorrow or next week, NOT instant communication LOL Don't blame the provider for your mistake. I've NEVER had a provider ask me to "email" when I get there...
Mojojo's Avatar
Ok hold up ima let you finish but my question to you is did she try to make it right?

Look man ncns happens if you hobby long enough that shit happens more than once and while yea it sucks what's important is what happens after meaning does the prouder offer an explanation why and does she try to make it right?

I've seen Yaya on several occasions and I'm pretty sure you were given an explanation as well an offer to make it up. While she has a few questionable reviews ncns isn't a trait ever reported so basically if you posted this just because you were pissed off and didn't feel like giving her a chance to make this right then she dodged a bullet and it was probably best you didn't see her.

Also yea email isn't the thing for instant communication, either way best of luck to you in your next experience, Yaya does go the extra mile to make your time with her enjoyable.

Btw ncns go in co-ed
Whats with the brown nosing houstonians?
Mojojo's Avatar
Whats with the brown nosing houstonians? Originally Posted by monkmonk
I should adjust that to Houston based fucking Dallas chick on the daily

Btw still working on that key chain for ya
samseis's Avatar
Text is the best way in
I know Yaya and her handler very well. She is very upset about what happened and she told me that she tried hard to explain it to you. There were two men with the same first name, four letters, I wont type it here, that made appointment at the same time. She got confused and thought both of you were one and the same. Everyone makes mistakes and I cant believe you are so quick to try to hurt her reputation by posting this thread. I had a blow-out here while back and my phone was dead but the provider didnt try to black ball me. Grow a set and chalk it up to what it was, an honest mistake by someone not as versed in the English language as you and I.
HoustonMatt's Avatar
Don't blow up the OP. The email said call/txt/email. So he emailed. Honest mistake. I explained it to yaya and her scheduler and as mushroom man mentioned, it was an honest mistake.

I know the scheduler reached out to him and apologized. I asked her to. Hes a big boy and he can decide if he wants to take up their offer. Yaya and her scheduler have the highest level of service. They will do what they can to make the situation right. Thats why she's ATF material for me.

As for houston brown nosing guys comment, I'm in dallas all the time. Just my handle and physical location in houston, hahaha. U dallas guys are lucky in the asian department!
To the OP so how does this go. U email her and say I am here. Then she emails you back wait a few minutes. Then you say Ok so email me when your set. She then gives you the roomnumber via email and you email back ok. Or it's one of those Apartments thats like a damn maze and u email back and forth to get it right. Wtf Glad google voice exists and for those who use real numbers check into cate app Last but not least this should be in coed
It's funny that other guys invest the time and interest to ask the girl about her business between her and another client, then go back and tell the OP what she said. I just find it very funny and interesting.'re crazy! LOL...kidding. I'm sorry you wasted an afternoon but I hope she will make it right. :-)