Well I just lost my sprinkler

notanewbie's Avatar
well the bell on my sprinkler system just froze and popped!

This is my first freeze casualty of the year, anyone else so lucky?
butt_her's Avatar
same thing happened to my neighbor.....funny thing is, they have been saying ALL WEEK that the freeze was coming and to turn off your sprinklers, wrap your pipes, blah blah blah, but people STILL didn't listen.....TFF!
notanewbie's Avatar
I did and mine still blew up.

I guess I needed a new one but just didn't know it.

I saw alot of my neighbors took no precautions and there is a lot of water in the street.

Pipe wrap cheap, plumber not so much. Guess they gotta eat too.
internet_inventor2's Avatar
I lost my bell also .... Wrapped other things, but not that, DANG IT JIMMMMMMMMMMM !!!!!!!!!
boardman's Avatar
10 houses on my street, 9 had operative sprinkler systems prior to Saturday morning. Key word here is "had"

FYI, licensed sprinkler installers must, by code, install the anti-siphon valve. Homeowners who intall their own systems do not have to install this valve. My logic says that if I repair my own system I would not have to replace the valve but could remove it and put the two lines together with conventional piping ie. PVC.
notanewbie's Avatar
boardman what actually broke was a freeze plug device inside the vacume breaker, you cannot bypass it because the system will not run with the correct pressure. The anti siphon things I always remove and chuck in the trash.

oh yeah, f*ck you.
boardman's Avatar
boardman what actually broke was a freeze plug device inside the vacume breaker, you cannot bypass it because the system will not run with the correct pressure. The anti siphon things I always remove and chuck in the trash.

oh yeah, f*ck you. Originally Posted by notanewbie
I thought the little bell thing was the anti-siphon valve or backflow preventer.

I guess I'm f*cked then. First you and now my sprinkler system.

Useless Thread, by the way!