lickidyclit post

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Most popular region for eccie! on main page
all post please, show em now nuts we are

When I first joined eccie it seemed like the entire site was geared around the Dallas area,I recently relocated from western New York aka Upstate NY aka Upset,to Tampa/Orlando area which , in direct contrast to Upset, has practically zero representation or activities not to mention a very mundane cast of characters, unclear as to why,other than the weather factor, but the lunatics, err characters, in Upset are not only very interesting but absolutely hilarious,sorta like a big family of a mental ward like "one flew over the coco's nest" with the likes of "Plastic Man, Carlos Danger,Spa,PaulWantsya,just to name a few,so if your region is getting boring,or lacks activity, tune in to Upstate NY, and share in the mental anguish! Originally Posted by lickidyclit