the oddity of Warren Buffet

VitaMan's Avatar
He is fond of saying:

"If aliens came here, they would think we are crazy. We dig up gold in the most difficult of places. We transport it. Then we bury it again."

But the oddity of Mr. Buffet may go further. He spends his life making as much money as he can. He spends very little of it. He has more of it now than he could possibly spend. And how does he spend his days now.......trying to make more of it.
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
It is an unending loop of insatiable greed.

I am on a few investing forums. Most of those guys can not be satisfied.

Regardless of how many $Millions they have, they want more. Ever more.
Buffet is a big donor and force in the Democratic party.

Supposedly he's done "The Giving Pledge." Along with Bill Gates and other fabulously wealthy individuals.

No use hatin'.