WARNING:::: Alizexpleasures a no go!!!!!!

Ok, I was contacted Saturday morning by Alizexpleasures, a provider that I have seen once before, and I asked her if she was available that evening. She said yes, but asked if i could help her out right then. She then told me that she needed money to pay her room rent, and that she would come later in the evening. She also said that she was headed from Dallas to Granbury, so coming to Stephenville wouldnt be a problem, so I decided, whatbthe hell, I've seen her before, she seemed nice enough, so I fronted her some money. It took several hours to hear back from her, by then she was pissed, and said she wasnt coming to see me and that when she got the money later she would refund it back to me. I'm guessing she was mad because of my persistency of trying to reach her, being that I fronted her money and was getting no response. I then told her that I would put her on blast on ECCIE and she replied that she would just keep the money and she didnt care what I did. She also stated that she was smarter than I thought (Not sure where she was going with that). Anyway, I would like to put this alert out so anyone and everyone will not use her as a provider. Feel free to share this and pass along, she has definitely made an enemy with me over this. I hope the money I fronted her was well worth losing business over. Please send out the word to all the other sites if possible. I also have her contact information if anyone needs it, in case she tries to change her username, since she is so smart. Anyway, lesson learned. I hope you sleep well at night under the room I paid for Alizexpleasures.
She then told me that she needed money to pay her room rent, and that she would come later in the evening. She also said that she was headed from Dallas to Granbury, so coming to Stephenville wouldnt be a problem, so I decided, whatbthe hell, I've seen her before, she seemed nice enough, so I fronted her some money.
Come on dude, you have to be smarter than that. If you want to donate to charity, give it to the make a wish foundation or something. Anytime they want you to front money, it is never going to follow through. There is a new post like this every week.

She also stated that she was smarter than I thought (Not sure where she was going with that)
Being foolish for giving her money when everyone should know its a bad idea?
Yes I agree it was foolish, but there in no reason to take up for her is it? I simply posted this to warn others about ter.
mrredcat43's Avatar
So you got hustled. Chalk it up to the game and move on
Dont Prepay for Pussy, you learned that one the hard way
defleppard's Avatar
Thanks for the info.
Thanks for the alert, Cody. Alizexpleasures is a beautiful young woman with a curvy lovely body and some great positive reviews under her belt. So she was on my TDL. Not anymore, your alert has taken care of that.

I noticed that someone else also posted a Coed alert thread on Alizexpleasures some months ago. He posted a NCNS alert on her because he drove hours to meet her and she ghosted him. So she's definitely someone to be avoided. Sorry for the money you lost Cody, hope you regain it back 10X some other way.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
I don't know how many times people have been warned not to send money but yet it's not a deterrent. They just keep doing it and wind up posting about their misfortunes. Are we supposed to feel sorry for them?
I am in no way taking up for her shitty behavior, but there is literally a post every week about someone getting hustled from backpage or craigslist when that was a thing, and now this.
pmdelites's Avatar
I don't know how many times people have been warned not to send money but yet it's not a deterrent. They just keep doing it and wind up posting about their misfortunes. Are we supposed to feel sorry for them? Originally Posted by Mental AtrraXXXion
i dont think he was looking for/asking for folks to feel sorry about him and his choice.
So you got hustled. Chalk it up to the game and move on Originally Posted by mrredcat43
Dont Prepay for Pussy, you learned that one the hard way Originally Posted by Eng1recon
as he posted "Anyway, lesson learned."

but the more important point, in my hobby opinion, is that (according to Cody, if you believe him, which i do) Alizexpleasures took money from him and did NOT provide anything in return. that is, she stole his money.
in my hobby opinion, THAT should be shared so that folks who read this thread or search for her name on eccie will know about her way less than respectful/honest behavior.
Look I am not denying that it was ignorant of me to do her a favor like I did. As I stated before, lesson learned. I just want everyone to to know what she did. Hell, maybe she will find a new calling and choose other business ventures.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
There is not ONE provider who, if you fronted her money, she would fulfill her end of the deal. They are not here to make friends, because they enjoy it or for kicks to abide their time, they are hear to make money. The easier the better for them so if they can get that money without doing anything for it other than give you a fake smile and thank you, they will.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
Based on her posting history, she lives in the ISO forum responding to every ISO. That should be the first warning sign for any guy.
There is not ONE provider who, if you fronted her money, she would fulfill her end of the deal. They are not here to make friends, because they enjoy it or for kicks to abide their time, they are hear to make money. The easier the better for them so if they can get that money without doing anything for it other than give you a fake smile and thank you, they will. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote

I recently had a long-time client cancel several times in a row. I told him in order for me to put him on my very limited* schedule, I would require him to pay upfront. He paid and I think it was two weeks before we could meet.

We aren't ALL bad
Ever come to Stephenville, Bella?