Austin BP - Cali - Sensual Italian - BS

I called to schedule something. I met at someplace near the incall to wait for further instructions and she never answered the phone. Later she said she had to go to the hospital to visit a friend.

I called again, and this time some other lady answered with a much difference voice claiming to be whoever I talked to the first time, and they said they had a typical "summer cold". I asked how old they were, and they literally said, "I'm......twenty..... [5-6 seconds pass]....two". Riiiiiight. They said they were about to turn 23 and had to think about it.

Anyway, someone already put out a warning on central-texas saying they are undercover. I'm not sure what's going on, but I can tell you to stay away.
cheater's Avatar
Number comes back as alex ros**es
This does not meet alert criteria. No one was in danger. Sorry this happened to you, but this is not the proper forum for this thread.
Beagle's Avatar
Cali: 512-504-6164

I'd stay away from them.
This does not meet alert criteria. No one was in danger. Sorry this happened to you, but this is not the proper forum for this thread. Originally Posted by cockforhire
Where is the proper forum: "Other Discussions"? I'm just trying to look out for whoever. If you don't want the post here, have mods move it.
Moved to proper forum.

That sucks man, I saw her ad. on B.P., and was really tempted to call her until I read beagle's B.P. review thread. Why do the B.P. girls that have that look I like always have to be scammers?
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Isn't that the typical excuse for these girls to NCNS, that they have to visit a friend in the hospital? Or "family" came in to town last minute? Really? Get more creative or just tell the effen truth...
The "402" number I have been called by that bt was a guy trying to book. I didnt feel right and moved on.
Beagle's Avatar
The "402" number I have been called by that bt was a guy trying to book. Originally Posted by Sexy Roxanne
I'm sorry - can't understand that sentence. Can you rephrase it?
LMAO! Sorry it has been a long day and my keys keep sticking, ugh! I was trying to say....That I have once before been contacted by the 402 number, however it was a man on the phone. I didnt feel right about the call, so I passed.

LOL ok hopefully this is better, dang and I havent even had a drink yet!
Beagle's Avatar
LMAO! Sorry it has been a long day and my keys keep sticking, ugh! I was trying to say....That I have once before been contacted by the 402 number, however it was a man on the phone. I didnt feel right about the call, so I passed. Originally Posted by Sexy Roxanne
Based on your input, there is good reason to believe that they are indeed the LE.