Cluster Fucking?

For the lone wolf providers out there (and there are many who are absolutely fabulous) this thread may not be relevant. However for the providers that tend to form alliances, share incalls and yakety yak together I would think the reference check process for both hobbyist and providers could be far less frustrating and less time consuming if the hobbyist were simply referred to a provider within her circle for a future session. Yes I know all about the "To Do List" while I tend to prefer a specific body type but it seems like most hobbyist see a wide variety of women anyway. I like it when a provider refers me to her friends because then it's only an issue of scheduling. Besides...I like to be passed around like a little slut boy over and over among a group of hotties. Obviously what I just described currently takes place (thank you Madison May and Pistol Marks) but not enough in my opinion. Instead hobbyist and provider's alike spend enormous amounts of time on references. Even when I had a P411 account with many "yeses" I was often asked for references. I firmly support the Wish List but there's a lot to like about joining a fuck co-op of mostly drama free fuckers. Nay say away but when it works it works really well for the hobbyist with a busy schedule.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
It seems to me like a lot of time and back-and-forth could be saved if a hobbyist could say, "Check my review list." The girl would find one or two names she was comfortable with among the client's reviews and check with them. If that wasn't satisfactory, she could move back to the old way.

It might also encourage a little more information sharing.
  • grean
  • 04-04-2016, 02:09 PM
If you are trying to see a girl who you know works doubles with a girl you want to see, just tell her you have seen that girl when you make initial contact.

That usually will get a quick screen.
  • annoe
  • 04-06-2016, 11:26 AM
As soon as a group of ladies start an alliance with full data sharing people start saying they aren't indy anymore and accusations of management start.

Calling your reviewed providers may not work. I am sure you have all heard the question of how that provider would remember you. And what if your last review was a no? Do you want that to be the person she talks to? Plus you are asking her to do the extra work. It is like going to a job interview and dropping off a card with your LinkedIn profile link and saying just ask the people who endorsed me and leaving. Unless she is hurting for money there are probably easier ways to fill that time slot.

What they get out of a reference check can be much more than what a P411 yes tells her. If she learns you are uncut she may be more insistent that you shower when you arrive. If she finds out you aren't into conversation and just want to fuck the entire hour she may want to schedule you as her last appointment rather than earlier in the day.

Yes some of the ladies in this business are batshit crazy, but some of them have actual logical reasons for doing the things they do.