USA - Not Even In The Top 25% for Press Freedom

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This should make you want to puke. The USA is 47th in the world in press freedom. We were BUILT on Freedom of the Press!

Something has gone terribly wrong.

What makes Reporters without borders authoritative? Do you think their methodology was fair? If you are going to post this, do a little vetting for me so I may even feign concern.

Or it will be like that "Freedom Index" that some group comes out with every year or so that's weak and has an anti-American agenda.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LOL! Actually, that is a good question. Here is their website. I didn't find any particular slant either left or right. If you find some, let me know. Otherwise, they look legit. They simply want the freedom to tell things like they are.
wonder when this started? How long we have been in this.
Good post here, I'm sure their questionaire that all their friends filled out was very thourough.

I mean they have a paypal account for donations, so they must be legit as hell.

Stick to rebarfing breitbart and limbaugh please.
