Oil and Gas boom

AlphaGator's Avatar
Hello to all you eccie members and a special hello to all you beautiful ladies of eccie. If we've had the pleasure of meeting, I look forward to seeing you again. If not, I really look forward to seeing you soon. Just dropping a few lines here to talk about this oil and gas business and our schedules. I've been in the "patch" for quite some time now and some people can't get use to the 24-7/365 on call situation. Whether it be a spouse, girlfriend, significant other, new "date" or regular, sometimes it interferes with first impressions or first dates. Ladies understand that it's not an excuse for some of us but reality. I know it's happened to me several times and it really sux. We've been called "oilfield trash", amongst many other things but NOT ALL OF US are what the title represents. I am a well mannered man, polite and very respectful and try to be the best person I can. I treat others as I would like to be treated and expect the same in return...just like you ladies do. By no means am I a weakminded individual or soft...but I am kind hearted and do have the proper morals towards life and individuals. What really makes a man? Well, in my eyes...a real man cries..a real man admits when he is wrong..a real man accepts his weaknesses and faults as well as trying to correct them...a real man is responsible for his actions and words...and a real man takes care of his wife and family. Just because he didn't keep his word doesn't mean he's not trustworthy or should be blacklisted from being seen. Give him a chance..you can always terminate the time or end a session early. Most of the time I'm on the road because of extensive traveling and it's hard to find someone to see or set something up and sure do wish I could find more regulars to see that would understand that. So ladies...if I contact you and there's something that comes up...I will be polite enough to let you know. If there's one thing that men and oilfield hands like/love..is the ladies. Well I'm not sure if this whole thing I wrote makes any sense since I'm sitting on a rig making multimillion dollar decisions while putting my thoughts into words and sharing them, but it was a stress reliever and made me feel better. So...once again I better get back to being responsible and dependable. I look forward to all of my encounters...and ladies I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET YOU!!! ECCIE on.
I just want to leave something for everyone to ponder on...my definition of a successful man and woman...
The definition of a successful man...is a man that can make more than his woman can spend.
The definition of a successful woman...is a woman that can FIND THAT MAN!!!
Gotyour6's Avatar
I'm sitting on a rig making multimillion dollar decisions while putting my thoughts into words and sharing them
You make multimillion dollar decisions writing like that??
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 04-24-2014, 09:19 AM
You make multimillion dollar decisions writing like that?? Originally Posted by Gotyour6

I thought the same thing while attempting and failing to read that WALL OF TEXT.
>I'm sitting on a rig making multimillion dollar decisions
That's the funny part of the oil business--multimillion dollar decisions being made by people who haven't slept in three days!

I know what you mean AG. I'm in a different part of the patch, but the problems are the same. 24/7 when I'm in the field, four hours of sleep when I can grab it on a good day. Forget about finding a local provider in most of these towns. I try to catch ladies when they're traveling close by, but when you can't tell them for sure when you'll be able to see them I can't blame them for moving on.

One thing's for certain though--with the money guys make in the oil patch if a lady were to take the time to develop a regular clientele in some these areas she'll do pretty good for herself.
pyramider's Avatar
Lame excuses ...
AlphaGator's Avatar
I wasn't being boastful or humorous. But if you understood the process of producing a well from start to finish you would understand whati meant. I know you're no oilfield hand. And yes...multi million dollar decisions. My decision of whether the connections of the final production string are good enough to be sent downhole IS a multi million $$$ decision. And when you have a string of pipe worth nearly $350k besides all the rest of the charges and such. Everything comes down to that production string before frac job puts it into production and then finishing the production end of putting it into sales. So if you're a perspective english major or correcting my mistakes...my bad. Sleep deprivation is the key to alot of mumbo jumbo. Otherwise...respect to your opinion.
AlphaGator's Avatar
Finally...someone who understood that pile of discabobulated mess I wrote while trying to stay awake durin a back to back to back. Had to stay awake somehow. Props dude. Drill 'er deep and pump on it all night long.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Hello to all you eccie members and a special hello to all you beautiful ladies of eccie. If we've had the pleasure of meeting, I look forward to seeing you again. If not, I really look forward to seeing you soon. Just dropping a few lines here to talk about this oil and gas business and our schedules. I've been in the "patch" for quite some time now and some people can't get use to the 24-7/365 on call situation. Whether it be a spouse, girlfriend, significant other, new "date" or regular, sometimes it interferes with first impressions or first dates. Ladies understand that it's not an excuse for some of us but reality. I know it's happened to me several times and it really sux. We've been called "oilfield trash", amongst many other things but NOT ALL OF US are what the title represents. I am a well mannered man, polite and very respectful and try to be the best person I can. I treat others as I would like to be treated and expect the same in return...just like you ladies do. By no means am I a weakminded individual or soft...but I am kind hearted and do have the proper morals towards life and individuals. What really makes a man? Well, in my eyes...a real man cries..a real man admits when he is wrong..a real man accepts his weaknesses and faults as well as trying to correct them...a real man is responsible for his actions and words...and a real man takes care of his wife and family. Just because he didn't keep his word doesn't mean he's not trustworthy or should be blacklisted from being seen. Give him a chance..you can always terminate the time or end a session early. Most of the time I'm on the road because of extensive traveling and it's hard to find someone to see or set something up and sure do wish I could find more regulars to see that would understand that. So ladies...if I contact you and there's something that comes up...I will be polite enough to let you know. If there's one thing that men and oilfield hands like/love..is the ladies. Well I'm not sure if this whole thing I wrote makes any sense since I'm sitting on a rig making multimillion dollar decisions while putting my thoughts into words and sharing them, but it was a stress reliever and made me feel better. So...once again I better get back to being responsible and dependable. I look forward to all of my encounters...and ladies I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET YOU!!! ECCIE on.
I just want to leave something for everyone to ponder on...my definition of a successful man and woman...
The definition of a successful man...is a man that can make more than his woman can spend.
The definition of a successful woman...is a woman that can FIND THAT MAN!!! Originally Posted by AlphaGator
I for one tip my hat at the job you boys are doing out in the oil patch. Helping us become independent of Middle Eastern oil is a great thing. In absence of a couple of enterprising girls setting up shop in your town, I have a few tips for you.
1. Set up the appointment and be prepared to pay if you can't make it at the specified time. You know how much housing and motel rooms cost out in Odessa and thereabouts, 200 a night for next to nothing. The girl has already forked over for that and if she don't get the money, she can't justify coming back.
2. Be clean!!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-25-2014, 06:44 PM
I wasn't being boastful or humorous. But if you understood the process of producing a well from start to finish you would understand whati meant. I know you're no oilfield hand. And yes...multi million dollar decisions. My decision of whether the connections of the final production string are good enough to be sent downhole IS a multi million $$$ decision. And when you have a string of pipe worth nearly $350k besides all the rest of the charges and such. Everything comes down to that production string before frac job puts it into production and then finishing the production end of putting it into sales. So if you're a perspective english major or correcting my mistakes...my bad. Sleep deprivation is the key to alot of mumbo jumbo. Otherwise...respect to your opinion. Originally Posted by AlphaGator
Good for you! That kind of work isn't something I know but the long and unpredictable hours are--often coupled with volatility that is beyond our control. There are more guys in that situation than many would like to understand: paramedics, salesmen, repairmen, consultants, and anyone at the mercy of the airlines to get us some place on time.

A few suggestions that have worked for me, and may or may not work for you:

--Pre screen! The last thing you need is to find a traveling lady who interests you, but by the time references check out she has moved on. P411, D-C also help.

--Let her know up front. Tell her that you have a volatile schedule. Explain that you are interested in seeing her, and see what ideas she may have to smooth out things that way. Some can't/won't, but others may well do so. When you do schedule, let her know with certainty that your schedule can be uncertain--she is a lot more likely to understand than if you just cancel without notice.

--When you do find a nice one and it works out, TREAT HER WELL. By that I'm not talking $$$ (though a little tip is always nice). More than that, a small gift, especially if you have exchanged a few e-mails/phone calls along the way and you know what she likes. Let her know that you realize she took a risk scheduling you, and you sincerely appreciate her doing that--when someone does a favor or takes a chance on you, they really like to know it was appreciated.

--That's when it's the time to talk up the opportunity based upon your and other guys' situation. She may not be interested, but she might find it an interesting opportunity. If she does, make sure you write her a good review and pass her name to your Eccie associates in the area. It does seem like the kind of thing that might be very good for all involved.

Anyway, hope some of that might be helpful.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I'm sure this is important work being done well but the thread seems quite blowhardy.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
I have issues with my industry philosophically but my wages come from BP. Right, I'll shut up now.
I have issues with my industry philosophically but my wages come from BP. Right, I'll shut up now. Originally Posted by Don't Be Daft!
I'm sure this is important work being done well but the thread seems quite blowhardy. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Most common people do not understand the OIlfield and all they see are rising gas prices and complain about the cost at the pump which we have no control over.
Blow hardy ?..I don't think so..Today an average well cost is anywhere from 3 million to 8 million dollars for some of these deep wells and Horizontal wells and it takes long hours in miserable conditions .
There is a lot of stress involved in making some of the decisions that are associated with drilling and completing a well and most of the guys out there working are far from home and in need of a little companionship and its hard to schedule an appointment when you don't know where you are going to be and when you are going to be there.
Being on call in the oilfield is a 24/7 anytime job and you have to drop what your doing and go at a minutes notice.
That being said ...Most oilfield personel make good money and theres no need not to take care of the lady if you have to cancel and by doing that she will understand and work with you if you have to reschedule.
Yeah its hard to schedule with that type of job and im sure theres other jobs the same way like doctors that are under stress and long hours and never know what time they are going to be free.
It may of seemed blow hardy ..but Alpha was just trying to state the facts about what hes dealing with.
Eden Reign's Avatar
I enjoyed this read! Thank you!
Work on a drill rig can be extremely trying sometimes. Days that things go great are extremely rewarding. Days that things go bad seem to go forever. The stress of completing a well builds up and most of us need occasional relief. What better way to expend built up stress than a booty call. Thank you ladies that tend to our needs.

To those ladies that are into games (or your pimps games), you just add to the stress. Please go away.