There is no age of consent for illegal activity; I.e.prostitution. If you solicit someone younger than the age of consent, however, you can add soliciting a minor and/or statutory rape if the act was carried out to the list of charges.
The age for pornography is set at 18 by federal statute. So, having pornographic images of a 17 year old does qualify as child porn even if she's your girlfriend.
Originally Posted by karmachameleon
Karma is correct.
And yes, it is a fucking stupid law. Legal age for prono is 18. That is nation wide. That includes photos or videos.
Legal age of consent means the legal age someone is allowed to have sex without it being considered statutory rape.
So, if you are 18 and your gf is 17 and you have nudes of her you are technically in possession of "child porn" from a legal standpoint.
This is fucking ridiculous and in recent years people have been trying to get this changed, but hey, that is the stupid world we live in currently.