Little Blue Pill

There was a post on here about guys that needed to take injections right before the session or use a pump. However I must be tired or blind cause I can't find that post...
Anyway how do you providers feel about someone who requests to take the blue pill?? I heard a cock ring can work the same way to keep you hard for a longer period of time. Don't really know about either
JohnBoyjrh's Avatar
The ring doesn't help you get hard. It only maintains the erection. That's my understanding. Blue pill helps you get an erection.
I kinda doubt if Providers care if you take the "little blue pill". But it would be interesting to hear from the ladies if they have a different opinion.

I know it sure is fun to take one and then go to the titty bar!......Seriously, I did actually go to the titty bar after a NCNS once and I had already taken one. I got a dance from a girl and thought, Holy Shit Batman!, I had to go home and call a plan B girl! Quickly!
LOL. I never thought of taking one and then going to a strip club. I haven't taken one before but always wondered how long they worked for. I wouldn't mind trying it out with and extended session to go with it. Oh the possibilities