Acronym - Need a new one

I see on a regular basis guys using the acronym TOFTT incorrectly, especialy for reviews.

For those that dont understand, TOFTT means Take One For The Team. IE: Take pain or sacrifice so your team members or others don't have to. EX: He hit on the ugly girl so his bud could have an open field with the hot one. He TOFTT

Some folks confuse this to mean being the first to see a girl even if its great experience. etc. It simply does not mean that at all. The issue is improper use can cause confusion and could lead to a lady missing calls because the reviver used a negitive term when he meant the opposite.

So, we need a new term or acronym that means being the first to see and report back on a new lady with a posive review.


And no, this is not a thread to debate what TOFFT means. Just because you use it wrong does not make you right. if you dont like the correct definition,. STFU and dont post.

And for those REALLY dense folks, this is suppose to be a fun thread. Dont screw it up!!
thisguy23's Avatar
SFTT.... scored for the team
Thuck Fat's Avatar
TTPAS......took the plunge and satisfied
omakase's Avatar
I beg to differ insofar that people may think they're TOFTT initially. But I agree that if you scored the mother load, then the term no longer applies.

Maybe ... YMFMOM for You Mother Fuckers Owe Me.
Texasquest's Avatar
LMAO +1 on ------YMFMOM
Took One And She's Terrific!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
All of these terms eventually get bastardized.

Take the term "MILF" for example. We all know what it means. But now, anyone who is over 30 is described as a MILF and that was actually not the intent of the term, originally.

Same with "courtesan". A LOT of ladies on here describe themselves as such and they're not. At all. Which is why you'll never read on my site a description of myself being referred to as a courtesan. Another word that has been bastardized in this business.

TOFTT was/is a good acronym. But what I'm seeing are some guys wish to give their topics more panache and decided that using that term gave the review a bit more grit.

Hence, men are using it incorrectly in their reviews (whether they know it's the wrong term or not is another point) so that more will be tempted to read it.

Would TGTBT (like too good to be true) be alright or (MY vote!!!!!) just don't USE an acronym! Perhaps that would be the best choice? Put some words in a title to suggest that the time together didn't go that great.

It IS a fun topic. I got a little serious. Sorry!
SAUrbanAnimal's Avatar
With all the buzz about channel 11's report at 10PM tonight I think a breaking news flash would be appropriate:

TJI ===> for This Just In
For the Star Trek fans
Bad EW. I shall have to spank your vagina with my togune.
All of these terms eventually get bastardized.

Take the term "MILF" for example. We all know what it means. But now, anyone who is over 30 is described as a MILF and that was actually not the intent of the term, originally.

Same with "courtesan". A LOT of ladies on here describe themselves as such and they're not. At all. Which is why you'll never read on my site a description of myself being referred to as a courtesan. Another word that has been bastardized in this business.

TOFTT was/is a good acronym. But what I'm seeing are some guys wish to give their topics more panache and decided that using that term gave the review a bit more grit.

Hence, men are using it incorrectly in their reviews (whether they know it's the wrong term or not is another point) so that more will be tempted to read it.

Would TGTBT (like too good to be true) be alright or (MY vote!!!!!) just don't USE an acronym! Perhaps that would be the best choice? Put some words in a title to suggest that the time together didn't go that great.

It IS a fun topic. I got a little serious. Sorry! Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 04-29-2013, 07:11 PM
Scary pussy was good (Spwag)
ShysterJon's Avatar
'TOFTT' is an abbreviation, not an acronym. An acronym is a pronounceable word formed from the first letter of a series of words. Example: 'SCUBA' (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus).
Trust a lawyer to jump in and confuse things

Luv ya man . Glad to see you back and active again.
'TOFTT' is an abbreviation, not an acronym. An acronym is a pronounceable word formed from the first letter of a series of words. Example: 'SCUBA' (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus). Originally Posted by ShysterJon
All of these terms eventually get bastardized.....
Same with "courtesan". A LOT of ladies on here describe themselves as such and they're not. At all. Which is why you'll never read on my site a description of myself being referred to as a courtesan. Another word that has been bastardized in this business.... Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

RAWR! How do you really feel?

I've used the 'bastardized' courtesan term and will proudly continue to use it. It fits my style of business.
I also love the time period it refers to, and it's original meaning. I relate more to that term than "provider", in the sense that I prefer a mistress arrangement as opposed to having to worry about advertising and entertaining multiple gents. The first 'courtesans' were no secret, and they held a place in the court for their 'loyalties' to kings and nobility. I fancy myself the modern-day version of that. So far so good

For the Star Trek fans
TBGWNHGB Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Haha I got this one, and it has my vote!!
Who is up for the maiden voyage upon the Starfish Enterprise? Haha!!
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 04-30-2013, 01:07 AM
'TOFTT' is an abbreviation, not an acronym. An acronym is a pronounceable word formed from the first letter of a series of words. Example: 'SCUBA' (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus). Originally Posted by ShysterJon
If you really want to split hairs, toftt is a category of abbreviations called initialisms. Abbreviations usually just refer to a shortened version of one word while an initialism is the first letters from a string of words.