Failure to answer PM's etc...

I have a question for the gents specifically, but would like to hear everyone's thought...

Would you prefer a lady that spends her days responding to emails and PM's, and clock watching through EVERY appointment,
one that NEVER books back to back (so as to make sure she's clean and fresh for each visitor),
NEVER watches a clock (so as to make sure YOUR hard earned money spent on her - is actually worth it)?

I've recently been critized for not responding to emails quickly enough. Today, I actually received three PM's from the same person requesting my time. The PM's came while I was with a client that booked for 2 hours...the appointment took longer since I never rush ANYONE! His 3rd PM in a two hour time frame was quite rude!

Should I have stopped my "friend" each 30 minutes to check my PM's?

The other question....
Are us ladies allowed to actually have a personal life outside of the biz?

My mother, as many who know me know, recently had brain surgery, and is about to have her next brain surgery (hopefully the last one) on the 16th of this month.

To make matters worse...I was hit a couple weeks back and the wreck totaled my car...obviously, I could NOT travel and had to cancel a few appointments...Those gentlemen were very sweet...I offered them a discount for the trouble - Only one person took me up on it...The others happily rescheduled once I bought another car. BTW thanks!!! You guys know who you are.

Like any lady with half a brain...I get my annual check-ups....and more lately, so I sometimes am not available because I'm at a doc appointment. Sometimes those doctors get called into a preemie labor and so even though I have scheduled my week perfectly...shit happens and I have to reschedule with the doc on another day.

And like the rest of the worldly population...I sometimes get sick. The flu, or sinus infection, or stomach virus doesn't usually send me memo of when it will just comes on like a freight train...Do you really want to see me while I'm sick? I don't want to see you when you're sick...!

My point is this...If I have not responded to your email etc. it's because I am with a client, experience that thing called life and responsibility, or for some reason i am tired of responding to a PM from a person who keeps asking me if I do GREEK...but failes to give me his references. I NEED YOUR TWO PROVIDER REFERENCES BEFORE I WILL SEE YOU OR DISCUSS THE MENU OR DONATION...
But, please dont ask me those question over and over again and NOT provide a reference or your P411 info.

Furthermore, I log into P411 as often as I get an email letting me I know I have a request etc pending. I often log in via my phone, for whatever reason, it doesn't register that I logged in except from my computer.

I know I sound as if I am ranting...I apologize. But seriously, Do you really expect me to answer emails, text messages, phone calls, and PM's while I'm with someone? Would you enjoy being the one in my bed while I'm surfing the net on your dime?
If I were your client Miss J, I would not expect this of you. I would feel as if I were being cheated out of my time and money. Some people may just not understand (or care) that you actually DO have a life. Sorry to hear about your mom, I hope everything pans out well for her And as far as the rude texts and pm's, I just refuse to respond to them. I am the same way, if you can't read and follow my directions, I do not have time to play
MISS J we all have a personal life as well as a business life.I'AM sure someone brought this to your attention about not responding to emails,I personally have never seen you,but have seen nothing but good reviews of you.I had 2 dawgs ask me if i knew you and they stated it was not hours but weeks,went by without a one expects you to stop what you are are doing and pm them.If you are taking care of family and personal issues,then maybe a small post would did have a ad 5-01-11 in baton rouge and several dawgs got no response.poor communication skills can wreck a provider and i think the board does not want to see you that i will not share the mens locker room with you,because i believe someone already has
DallasRain's Avatar
Sorry about your mom babe! I wish the best for ya!!

{I had fun doing that double with ya!!!!!!!}
I appreciate your feedback Lowgear...I have however sent emails back stating that I had been out of town, sick with flu, dealing with personal family issues etc...

I have also posted on the board the following:
Hi everyone!

I've been home for the past week nursing the flu. I'm MUCH better now,
but missing the hobby!

This weekend...

Thursday, Feb. 17th:
Incalls 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM / Outcalls after

Friday, Feb. 18th:
Incalls 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM / Outcalls after

Saturday, Feb. 19th:

Sunday, February 20th -
Thursday, February 24th:

Friday, Feb. 25th:
Incalls 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM / Outcalls after

Saturday, Feb. 26th:
Outcalls all day

Sunday, Feb. 27th:
Outcalls all day

Monday, Feb. 28th:
Incalls 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM / Outcalls after

New York was fun...but, New Orleans is Better...
I'm glad to be Home Sweet Home!
February is over, and my "Free Play with Miss J" winner has been notified (via PM)...
Gentlemen, check your PM's!
Now...Lets start the March Madness!
Same game, same rules
Winner announced April 1st!
Since my New York Trip was extended a few days, I'm very behind on emails & PM's, but I'm working through them as quickly as possible.
If you want to see might have better luck resending a PM etc. Requests older than a week have probably been filled already by one of the other beautiful women in our I'm answering newer emails first.
I miss everyone bunches!!!

Hugs to you all
Happy Hobbying!

Outdoorsman, since you have my number, could you call me or pass my number on to one of the other mods.

I cant check PM's and I cant send PM's. Now when I log in, it tells me I don't have access...but I have no trouble going to the boards from my favorites...which sends me strait here.

When I click on the PM notification, the screen goes back to locking me out...

Needless-to-say, I can't PM you with my problem, LOL! Help Please.

In the meantime, is it possible to post somewhere for those trying to PM today and have still not received a reply to just email me at

So, Friday starts wonderfully...a lot of fun in BR! Then, heading home that evening...wreck and total my car, AHHH!

Then, My phone dies last night...for no apparent reason! Today I get a temp phone (from 1999) so sending a text is a joke as half the buttons do NOT work, LOL! BUT...receiving texts and phone calls are no problem. Thankfully my new phone will be here tomorrow afternoon!

So everyone should actually know whats up....Note the 4.14.11 post.

I admit they're are times I just do not respond to a PM...most often because that PM is AFTER I have already responded once asking for provider references FIRST. The same person (unverified) will then ask again for my rates and services. I am not going to continue to ask for something he clearly does not want to provide. I am not going to provide that info to someone that is not verified. Safty is still key here!

I do get frustrated when I respond to a PM saying I am actually in BR until a certain time, and then that person asks me if I will come see them 4+ hours after I said I would no longer be in BR. I have already driven home...I don't want to drive back to BR (twice in the same day).

I do however see your point, and as I responded to a PM last night: If I get a PM while I am with someone (and cannot check it) asking for an appt. during a time which has, at that point passed, I will still respond BETTER. I will start answering PM's that are older than that day etc.

Thanks again for the comments...I seriously appreciate them all!!!
With some girls I've sent a PM and no response so I either try again, or email. If I don't hear from that I will try another method - but hey, the hobby is like dating sometimes a girl may not be in the mood - or sick as J says. Sometimes the chase adds to the excitement when we finally do meet.
If a client wants instant gratification, sure, try and reach a provider. But don't get all butthurt if their schedule doesn't immediately mesh with yours. I would much rather plan in advance and see a provider in a relaxed setting.

I have had times where I have suddenly had spare time, and have contacted a provider about an appointment on short notice. It never worked out with you, but my feelings were certainly not hurt about it. I was taking a chance that you *might* be available.

If someone is so persistent to make you uncomfortable, maybe they need to find someone else.
Hi Hun,
Relax you are a good provider and everyone knows that.
You cant let it drive you nuts, I have been there and I know how you feel.

You cant please all of the people all of the time, so take it in stride. You do your best, the best way you can and thats all anyone can expect.

There is only so much time in a day, week and month.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
in my line of work, I have to be available to my clients, this does not mean on a moments notice, but does mean I have to respond in a reasonable amount of time or the clients get upset and I in the long run lose money. I have a life too, get sick, I have a famliy member with cancer right now, so, I think I understand what you are saying Miss J. I decided I cannot control the actions or thoughts of my clients or customers, if i am to succeed I must learn to balance all these aspects of my life. Never has it ever helped my business by throwing blame onto the clients or asking others to understand, has not worked for me, yet. Not that my clients are all assholes but they pay me good money to help them with their needs. I have a rule to respond within a certain amount of time, that is my own personal rule and ever since I put it in place years ago, the complaints and disgruntled clients has diminshed. I still get people that believe what is going on their lives right now is more important than a dying relative or anything else going on in my life, I chose to allow those people to move on to another person, I can afford to not have that person pay me. I chose not to get upset over it but I refuse to service this person - that simple for me. When I do respond within say within 24 hours and just a little phone call or PM or txt or email or whatever to my clients to say look i am aware of your dilemma but right now i am at the hospital, or I am sick, or I am on vacation or whatever, I will contact you back on Tuesday. The client feels much better that I am around and I am paying attention to them but also that I am not available to have hour long conversations or meetings at this particular time. Just a sugestion, seems to work pretty good for me.

I hope everything works out for ya.
breastfan's Avatar
Miss J don't sweat it, you can't please everyone. Do what you can do with whatever time is available. We males can be an impatient bunch and expect the provider we've chosen to contact to be waiting on our email lol.....with that said there is absolutely no reason to be rude if a quick response is not given.
I will give a couple of days from my first try, if no response is given I will try one more time to show I'm still interested. After that I will move on to another provider.
Hope to see you someday..............
gdiddy's Avatar
I only try PM if I'm setting something up within a few days. It's not an urgent thing and I can provide all references and contact info and the lady can reach me in due time before I want to schedule. It's not reasonable to expect that anybody is trolling the boards all day waiting for PM's to come in. If a guy needs to reach a lady on short notice it's always best to call.
OUTDOORSMAN, I appreciate your advice...well said!

Ladies and Gents, I appreciate your support as well. Life does seem to be in a tail-spin at times, LOL!

Outdoorsman is right though...I need to learn to juggle better! Will do!
LilRed's Avatar
Sorry to hear about your troubles and I certainly hope they did not all happen at once.

I know I am gone a lot because of all my travels with Sir and am often indisposed. Might I offer the suggestions of changing your voicemail to reflect when you are away or on vacation, setting up an instant auto reply on your emails that let's the client know you are away and will reply to their message when you have time and maybe making a quick post that you will be unavailable such and such through such and such. I have found that these work very well and can eliminate some of the misses messages.
DallasRain's Avatar
I guess I just gotta spank you next time I see ya sugar!!! lol
If a client wants instant gratification... Originally Posted by southerngaijin
... then maybe he should jack off. Oh, I'm sorry, I meant perform a BBHJ.

Miss J, ignore the Nattering Nabobs. Take care of yer business....