You may determine that you like both!...depending on your mood at the time and who you're with. As for me however, being restrained or restraining someone, I feel it's more interesting if commands are given that there's to be no touching and/or movement, where one is made to obey by another's directions rather than rope. Mental restraint if you will, where someone has their way with (uses) the other's body for selfish sexual gratification. And I suppose the "restrained" party gets gratification by knowing that they've been used.
Originally Posted by NotQuiteBond
You are right about mental restraint. The mind game is very important in a D/s scene. I have experienced both roles as the Domme & as the sub. I have also been bound & done the binding. I like both roles and both kinds of play.
Trust is paramount in any scene, but especially when there is bondage. Truly the only way to know what you enjoy is to experiment. And you do not want to experiment with someone you can't trust. Fetlife is a great connection to your local kink community and there are many opportunities to learn from very experienced people through that site.