Our race to the bottom continues...

"This is the kind of news that makes you want to reach for something sharp and jab it in your own eye."

Shit, I believe I am going to throw up!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Supply side economics in action.

Those douchebags should be boiled in, er, VINEGAR!
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Makes you wonder what kinda deal Obama has made with China? He sure is fighting to keep jobs in a America.
Jeff Immelt CEO of GE:

In February 2009, Immelt was appointed as a member to the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board to provide the president and his administration with advice and counsel in fixing America's economic downturn.On January 21, 2011, President Obama announced Immelt's appointment as chairman of his outside panel of economic advisers, succeeding former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker. Immelt will retain his post at G.E. while becoming "chairman of the Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, a newly named panel that President Obama is creating by executive order.

He was also named one of the five worst Non-Financial-Crisis-Related CEOs of 2008 by the Free Enterprise Action Fund. Since taking over, GE's stock has dropped nearly 60%. Recently, Immelt has been criticized by Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly for business transactions between GE and Iran, the country which has reportedly been attacking U.S. forces in Iraq.


Obama didn't waste any time rewarding his friend over at MSNBC with an appointment in the current administration.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Kinda late to the party, aint'cha?

Had you been watching Fox news instead of the Obama kiss-ass media you would have known about this shit months ago.

Yep. That's your boy's so-called "jobs czar". Ain't he a hoot? I guess campaign contributions do have their rewards.
Holy Cow, say it isn't true. The uber-conservatives among us have finally figured out that tax-dodging corporations sending our jobs overseas is probably not the best thing for our economy. I guess corporations really are not people after all eh Mitt? Let's all give a big warm welcome to Billy and Gfe for finally joining us in this little place I like to call reallity.
DTorrchia's Avatar
Holy Cow, say it isn't true. The uber-conservatives among us have finally figured out that tax-dodging corporations sending our jobs overseas is probably not the best thing for our economy. I guess corporations really are not people after all eh Mitt? Let's all give a big warm welcome to Billy and Gfe for finally joining us in this little place I like to call reallity. Originally Posted by F-Sharp
You mean the reality that Obama coddles and rewards these irresponsible CEO's as much as every Republican President the über-liberals among us like to vilify?
You must have missed this part:
President Obama announced Immelt's appointment as chairman of his outside panel of economic advisers.

Yep, sure glad this country's being run by the über-liberal Obama who's really stepping up to the plate to make sure more U.S. jobs and corporations remain in our Country.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Wonder how many more will leave if they actually raise taxes and enforce Obama Care.
DTorrchia's Avatar
After the recent decision by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals which ruled the individual mandate of Obamacare unconstitutional, I'm willing to bet it get's tossed out by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Having said that, I believe Corporations should pay their fair share of taxes. For GE to show a 5 BILLION dollar profit in the USA alone and then not having paid a dime in taxes is.... ridiculous.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I thought Obama was gonna close corporate tax loop holes! I think they should have paid their fair share. I do not think if you are a conservative or a liberal that you would like a company not paying any taxes with a 5 billion dollar profit. I have to pay taxes they should have to pay taxes.
You mean the reality that Obama coddles and rewards these irresponsible CEO's as much as every Republican President the über-liberals among us like to vilify?
You must have missed this part:
President Obama announced Immelt's appointment as chairman of his outside panel of economic advisers.

Yep, sure glad this country's being run by the über-liberal Obama who's really stepping up to the plate to make sure more U.S. jobs and corporations remain in our Country. Originally Posted by DTorrchia
Not sure what you're talking about. I've stated many times that Obama is the best Republican president we've had in years. This just further affirms it. He ain't no Democrat and he certainly ain't no liberal.
Budman's Avatar
Not sure what you're talking about. I've stated many times that Obama is the best Republican president we've had in years. This just further affirms it. He ain't no Democrat and he certainly ain't no liberal. Originally Posted by F-Sharp

Now that's funny.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Not sure what you're talking about. I've stated many times that Obama is the best Republican president we've had in years. This just further affirms it. He ain't no Democrat and he certainly ain't no liberal. Originally Posted by F-Sharp
Huh....That is funny!:laughb ounce2:

I could have swore you had a huge boner for Obama....