Screening newbies!

I find it hard at times to screen new members,I been getting alot of request from new members with no post or reviews and it seems they get upset when I try to explain safety comes first.So now I am to the point of tring to get some help or feedback on how to screen a new member!Thanks to all the members that take the time help us out,being a new provider I have alot to learn.....
Kelly TNT's Avatar
Sabrina...let them be upset. That's fine..because, the guys that understand why we have to be careful...are the only ones you want to be seeing anyway.

The good guys appreciate that you're providing them with a safe place to come to. You're not seeing just every guy that calls you. You are being as careful as you can be...and they get that.

So, let the newbies that get frustrated with you..go see someone else. I promise......once they see the difference between a screening and not screening provider...They'll be More than happy to provide you with that information you need to feel safe.

If I was a guy..I'd be worried about seeing someone that wasn't worried about me.

Just Sayin....'re welcome to pm me with ways to screen your New to Eccie clients. New to the hobby...hmmm..just pm me if you'd like some help.



~Kelly TNT
Iaintliein's Avatar
Kelly is right on the money here. I've declined seeing ladies who remarked about being able to tell if a guy was OK just by talking on the phone.

P411 is (was) great, unfortunately the post office lost my renewal money order and I just could not justify paying twice with the economy in the toilet.

It is better to turn away a hand full of good clients by being too careful than accept one bad one by being to careless.

am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Getting started takes time. If newbies read discussions and posts, they know that. Someone will be willing to take a chance on them. It doesn't have to be you.
bigmarv's Avatar
If a newbie gets upset, don't worry about it. There are plenty of horny respectful gentlemen who will gladly go thru the screening process who will not get upset if you say no. If a guy gets upset, all it really does is reduce his chances of ever getting the opportunity to spend any quality time with you.
mikahranae's Avatar
Who cares if they get upset? It is NOT worth your safety!!!! You have been doing just fine screening clients. I say keep it that way!
I fail to understand how anyone can expect to be screened on an eccie handle alone. I have reviews on here, but unless a provider wants to search for them and then contact the ladies I reviewed to see if I am legit, the eccie handle means nothing. How many providers are going to report a positive review as fake? Maybe a few, but not many.

Quantity of posts is another useless piece of information, many people post frequently and have no or very few reviews. Anybody could register a handle and post all day long.

Same for p411 ok's. As far as I know, a provider only has the choice of either giving the ok or not. If I am a demanding jerk yet paid and left on time, some might give me an ok just to not deal with any bs of arguing why she shouldn't give me an ok. I would still prefer a provider contact some of my references just to know I am not an ass and maybe feel more comfortable meeting me.

I have contacted many providers who didn't bother to even check my profile, but just assumed I was safe because my number of ok's was more than the average. The last three providers I contacted who were not on p411, did not even bother to check with the references I gave them so I didn't see them.

How you screen is solely your decision and only you are responsible for your own safety.
Bestman200600's Avatar

Tell your newbies to get screened by Gina at P411.
+1,000,000,000.000 There do seem to be more newbies than normal lately. P411 + or at least two known, local and recent refs or nada. Don't feel like you have to keep everyone happy. Decide what kind of clients you want and keep them happy. i.e., patient, understanding guys who appreciate discretion and safety. As for the newbs, don't worry about them. Stay safe, doll.
Sabrina, you should be as cautious about seeing a newbie as I was about seeing you when you first appeared on the scene. The process can be frustrating for everyone involved but those individuals that are worth seeing will understand that it's for everyone's safety.
jrewing's Avatar
Sabrina, as a guy who knows you pretty well and has enjoyed you a number of times, screen some yes, but being new you don't have a list of steady repeat customers built up like some of these girls, so my advise would be some screening but don't run off a newbie by over screening, build up those regulars, the service you provide is heads above most of the other girls anyway, as you know you had me from hello, will call soon and we will have lunch again followed by a nooner, luv you girl, JR
DustyHands's Avatar
I'm a newbie, and don't want to register with p411 because they call your work unless you have references. (scared in a small office) Had a couple of providers ask for an electronic copy of my paystub- no thanks, that shows my social as well as my routing number.

fortunately, giving good email goes a long way. I would think good back and forth conversation = more confidence that a newbie does not equal LE or just a jerk in general, and that's what you're really worried about, no?

still, i plan on visiting the two most well-respected newbie friendly providers I can just so it won't ever be an issue again. on behalf of all those out there like me, please don't let paranoia get in the way of good judgment.
bkat6049's Avatar
I guess I can understand the frustration that goes along with the screening but it's something I think has to be done...

Safety first boys and girls... If a guy gets upset then so be it.
Not mentioning any names but I have turned down an appointment I asked for because there was no P411 screening. In addition, and probably more importantly, I do not ever give out my P411 id to anyone unless it goes through a P411 email or request. Let's ALL be safe!
Saturn's Avatar
Kelly is Wise and Sexy!

She is great to listen to .