More Expensive??....Dating vs. Seeing a Provider

Kelly TNT's Avatar
Typical Date vs. Seeing a Provider

My friend went on a date last night. I couldn't believe what he said it cost him!!!

Typical Date a little

He said he spent....

Clean car $25. 00

Tank of gas $40. 00

Flowers $35. 00

Dinner w/ wine $150. 00

Comedy club w/ drinks $150. 00

Cost = $400. 00 ish???

His end of the evening Result = A Hug.

Shit Balls....

I think he said the conversation was good though! But, then he followed that up with ….

”Alright, now I have to play this game for 2 weeks or so. Then, I can get laid" ! ? !

Umm... Awesome?

Is that really true? Ladies are making you wait that long while your spending close to $400 on dates with them? I realize that not every date would be that much. I haven't been on a date in so long....I don't really know how expensive it is for you guys.

I Can see how expensive seeing a provider can be though! It can be Very expensive. Especially if you see someone on a regular basis.

But after hearing his story.....Damn, I dunno. There are a lot of fine women on this board!! I think if it were me...I'd be getting some Good Lovin with My money! Haaa!


But, I'm slutty like that!

Just Sayin....

Is it More Expensive to Date than see a Provider??

~Kelly TNT
SaintPat's Avatar
If you average it out the cost of a civvie date versus a provider is about even but with a civvie date you are never sure about the end result and even if the end result is what you want, the sex is rarely as good with a civvie date as it is with a provider. Plus you have the emotional aspects with a civvie date that are not involved with a provider.
pyramider's Avatar
Hobby is cheaper. But it depends what the end result one is looking for.
CDL1's Avatar
  • CDL1
  • 06-20-2010, 02:28 AM
Great question, Kelly TNT,

The purpose is different.

To answer the question, Yes. It is more expensive to date.

When in Dallas I like to take dates to a place called Capital Grille (or places in that price range). So for me, the dinner portion runs closer to $300.

With dating, U just don't know how things are going to turn out. After the date, you might realize that this person is just NOT right for you and there is NO chemistry at all. Your dates can make quite the spectacle at a social function. A hug may be all you really want after a date that does not turn out well.

With a provider, at least for me, I want to make sure she is socially adept at handling the situation. She needs to dress well and know current social events. I want a robust conversation and I want to learn from her life experiences. She must also hold her own with the people that we meet. I do expect loyalty. Just the simple act of holding my hand and that "look" makes all the difference. I am paying for that and I expect it.

I have learned the hard way NOT to take a date to a social function. Providers, IMHO, really have come through for me and I really appreciate that!
Iaintliein's Avatar
I can see that it ebbs and flows, initially dating is more expensive, mid relationship much cheaper. . . but if it becomes marriage the meter keeps running but the mileage goes way down (that's usually the only thing that does go down in fact).

He spent 400 dollars.....

Is he still single, he could have took me to Olive Garden and got me some 10 dollars roses from the grocery store. That would have gotten him a hug, a kiss, and quick feel. Hehehe.

Oh to answer the question, hobby is cheaper....
I recently dated this girl for about 6 months and saw that I averaged about $200 a week in spending when I went out with her. When we broke up I thought, well now that Im single that will be a extra $200 a week I can reinvest in my photography equipment, but now Im spending $600 to $800 a week in the hobby.
I date 18-24yr olds and just take them to Chili's. I'm a cheap ass, but at least if they stick around I know it's because they like my company. Dating is certainly cheaper for me. Bars and parties are the cheapest, more to pick from, and easier to sniff out the good ones. But I'll agree that you get what you pay for.
I prefer seeing a provider as opposed to dating, for the main reason the OP mentioned. In dating, you have to "court", when you are with a provider, it is a "sure thing" that you will get laid, if that is what you are looking for. Now if you are looking to fall in love, than dating is better than seeing a provider because a provider will never fall in love with you and see only you exclusively, unless you are her SD and maybe not even then. Of course, there is always the "drama" in dating, e.g., kids, especially with a bum for a dad, some are looking for you to "take care of them" financially as well because they do not want to work or whatever their excuse is. When you see a provider, there SHOULD be no drama, and you are paying for their time for them to treat you like you want to be treated, get you off and you go on your way. If you are looking do date a provider, trying to have your cake and eat it too, then you will be in for a rude awakening, they will take as much as they can, promise you everything you want to hear, then break your heart in the end.
The ending justify the mean's; If you are looking for a wife it's priceless to invest, but in the case above, you would be an idiot not to pay for your experience, you don't have to clean your car or anything else, let me be your everything, for half of $400.
I won't say no and I will think you are the best thing in the world....
HmM.let me see.
Dating in the civvies world most times never goes as planned.
The costs came be high or low.Personally I have never spent $400 on a date.A couple hundred at most.
I have taken lady friends on trips to Cancun ,Cozumel with no results so it can be a very difficult road.Plus if it does pan out and result in a long term relationship what do you get?
An anchor around your neck.Calling at all times of the day to find out where you are and what you are doing.Possibly taking on the job of raising someone else's kids and the enormous expense that entails.
The vast majority of times they can be the sweetest person you ever met when dating but once the trap is sprung you may find you are with a shrew.
For the most part relationships are drama,drama ,drama.All for the sake of "love".A six headed beast at best.
If it doesn't work out you can have endless dates with zero results,erosion of your ego and self confidence.It gets to the point where you want to go on a shooting spree if you hear "I just want to be friends" one more time.Lol.
With providers you get treated like a king for the most part.You are the greatest lover they ever had,they think your jokes are funny and you are handsome beyond compare.
Once the session is over you can move on to the next beautiful lady who will treat you the same or even better.for the cost you are getting great sex and a huge boost to your ego and confidence.
The cost in money may be similar but the cost in emotional stress can be a huge difference.
Bestman200600's Avatar
I prefer dating a provider to dating a civilian. When you see a good provider, you don't have any problems. If you both take care of each other, things workout well. I have spend 500-600 on a civilian date with no results afterwards. Cheers to the ladies here.
Can I date your friend, please?

I'm a sure thing!

I must be meeting the wrong guys. I seem to be attracted to cheap~asses that forget their wallets.
Hit and miss regardless on dates or seeing providers. Both require a certain amount of work.

Seeing providers - getting screened and then getting a time and location set up, hoping there is not ncns.

Taking a date on the town - same thing for me!

I agree it adds up on dates, recently took a friend to an expensive sushi bar with drinks, cost me close to $100 for the night not including gas. All I left with was a goodnight kiss. Like other posters state, it depends what you are looking for.
In the same sense, not all provider dates go as planned, I read about and personally encountered as well back in my early days both choices have risks as well as rewards.
If you are a highly desirable man (looks, power, "game", whatever makes you desirable), then civilian dating is cheaper than hobbying. From the perspective of the quality of women you will date, and the frequency/quality of sex that will come pretty fast in the relationship, typically without committment.

If you are fugly and average joe, hobbying is cheaper. For this man, you have to work you ass off (and spend bucu $$) to impress, and typically the only point you "get some" is when you are committed.

Trust me. I have 25 years of research experience and a Ph.D. in this area.