Sexisummer (Staff edit)

Me and a couple of the boys wanted to get a co worker laid for his first time ever. He just graduated and is soon to leave out for bootcamp at MSRDPI in a couple weeks. Long story short after their get together he (Staff edit: Guidline #16). This is the only girl he's ever been with so it was her. He admitted to me that he didn't use protection because she didn't want him to since it was his first time. Staff edit : Removed comments regarding Guideline #16
danceman's Avatar
Dayum! Sorry for your bro, this will change his life.
drinkindreamin's Avatar
Son no disrespect. I feel for your friend as this will forever impact his relationships. However we all know the risk when we get involved in this bullshit. We all have a choice to limit our exposure to Staff edit. From your post it's clear your friend did not make that choice and he can't totally blame the lady in question for his exposure. However you and your friends also made a choice for him that impacted his life also. Don't point the finger, its enough blame to go around. It's the nature of the game , where the price is high and everybody plays for keeps. Just remember what you and I do today effects somebody else tomorrow. Thanks For Your Service!
I was told to make a post in this thread so that what I did
Thanks for posting Bossier_Mann. For some reason people don't seem to want to come to grips on how bad all of this for the hobby. Yes we all know the risk but most have reasonable expectations we will all do our best to mitigate those risk. Who wants to hobby in a town with such disregard for others safety?
LehaLea's Avatar
Thanks for posting Bossier_Mann. For some reason people don't seem to want to come to grips on how bad all of this for the hobby. Yes we all know the risk but most have reasonable expectations we will all do our best to mitigate those risk. Who wants to hobby in a town with such disregard for others safety? Originally Posted by Headkeeper
I agree ! Well said HK
That is screwed up and i can't believe a grown man would resort so low as to make up lies here just because your cheap an i didnt wanna do you for $75....and get this then he cusses me out calling me all kinds of derogatory names and told me to leave town.....I am sick of people dragging my name down....I had one problem a few weeks back and it was treatable with antibiotics and i have papers proving its gone...I am trying really hard and deserve another chance, I don't think its right to be treated like this...Plus I believe its against rules to straight out attack a persons character by name on Eccie...ill ask the board
MuffinMan's Avatar
I've removed some verbiage here and I'm passing out points and locking this one down. Please read this Guideline:

#16 - Posting about/Speculating about another person's medical condition is strictly forbidden. If a member encounters a medical issue and would like to get feedback from others or share it with the community, this would be allowed, but under no circumstances is a member to discuss or state anything about another member in this regard, unless it is in response to a question posed by that member.

You post in violation of this Guideline or repost or reference that post, it will earn you points or worse.
