Birthday discount rain check

sdguy08's Avatar
Hey all,

I didn't want to highjack a similar thread about birthday discounts, so I wanted to start a new one. I've seen posts about providers offering 'Birthday Discounts', but what about a rain check for a birthday discount?

The reason I'm asking is that I'm healing a broken bone where the injury occured two weeks ago and my birthday was last week. My cast might come off next week, but it will still take about another month to heal. I want to enjoy the experience and not just lay there.

So if any providers do offer a rain check on birthday discounts, please let me know.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Heavens, under those circumstances, only a chilly chick with ice and not cream in her crock would refuse you a rain check, darlin. Just contact the lady of your choice who offers a birthday special NOW and explain you'd like it later, and why. Surely most would be understanding.
Ask and you shall receive!! You dont ask--you dont receive !!
travelling_man's Avatar
Ask and you shall receive!! You dont ask--you dont receive !! Originally Posted by delimex007
OK - so I'm asking. I have BD in a couple of weeks. If any providers offer a BD special send me a PM and tell me what it is. I'm anxiously awaiting replies