BP 'Nona' was a 'No show!'

Saturday 18 SEP I was browsing BP ads (first mistake...I know) and found this one:


(This link actually will take you to Sunday 19 Sep's ad because the Saturday ad is already gone but the data is identical)

Anyway, in the early afternoon I called the number '210 454 2483' (is posting numbers ok?...if not I'm sure I'll be corrected) and spoke with the provider 'Nona.' We agreed to meet (I would travel to her spot) at X time which was 45 minutes after our conversation ended.

I arrived 5 minutes early and called to let 'N' know that I was in the [Reference to specific location removed. M]. No, answer so I left a voicemail...perhaps she was in the shower or whatever.

So I waited 10 more minutes (now at appointment time plus 5 min) and still no word (call or text) from 'N.' I called again and got voicemail.

To be thorough...I waited a bit longer, 15 more min, am now at the appointment time plus 20 minute mark and called (again no answer). I sent a polite and professional text asking 'what happened?' and left a voicemail to the same effect.

It's been 24hrs since this event/non-event and I've had no response from 'N.' Now, taking 'giving the benefit of the doubt to the extreme' one could argue that it is possible that some emergency or event occured that has so affected 'N' that she has not been able to contact me and explain even after 24hrs...but I strongly doubt that is the case....especially since 'N' has posted another ad just 24hrs after yesterday's.

Bottom line...I don't like to have my time or gas wasted. I count myself lucky though. I could have lost a lot more based on some "alert" posts I've read.

Anyway...just wanted to share this with the group so that others might know to avoid this face/ad/number at all costs...or to at least dial at your own risk. Since I never met 'N' in person I cannot even confirm if those pics are legit.

I've read lots of alerts and reviews warning folks to stay away from BP but as a relative newbie and total lurker to eccie I've no references thus I've not been able to make appointments with the (according to the reviews I often see) wonderful, professional, and of course...VERIFIED providers of eccie.net. Trouble is...without refs I am not likely to get a meet as all the ads I read say "refs required" so I don't bother calling...rules are rules and I won't ask providers to break theirs as I will not break mine.

Anyone got some advice for me on that topic and how to get active and out of the shadows?

Anyway, I hope this info helps at least one person avoid a hassle or the wasting of their time/gas/money.

Thanks for reading.

gooose's Avatar
ECCIE has alot of "newbie" friendly providers to help you get started. Consider yourself lucky that all you got was a NCNS.
I'm with Goose. We have a bunch of wonderful newbie friendly providers on ECCIE. Carefully read their ads to find them. Then follow their directions. Be nice to them and you know what? They'll be REAL nice to you! It won't be long and you won't be a newbie.
oralee's Avatar
Specific locations are generally not mentioned in a post.
gooose's Avatar
Specific locations are generally not mentioned in a post.
I'm sure the mod in black will take care of it soon enough.

Thanks for the feedback, advice, and corrections. I'll adjust accordingly.

theres plenty of newbie friendly ladies here.

its just a matter of how much of yourself youre willing to share to make them feel comfortable.

good luck to you!!!
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Pssst! thunderrstrukk, look immediately above my comment here. (nQQbie friendly)

Sorry about your NC/NS, though. Those suck gnards


newbie friendly here... BP.. ahhh yes another victim has been pulled in. lol. sorry it happened to ya babe.

licks and kisses

Hello ladies and thank you for reaching out. You'll be hearing from me soon!


Thanks for the support.
Take the NC/NS as a blessing in disguise. If a lady doesn't have enough respect for a man to keep an appointment, or even contact him with a reason for the delay, then who knows what type of respect and attention he would get BCD. Sorry you had to TOFTT (take one for the team), but lesson learned. Time to be happy and play with Eccie and all her fun female friends! It's a more promising encounter!!!

Enjoy and happy hobbying!
Thanks Charlie. You're right and I'm glad that I lost only time and gas versus more. A lovely eccie lady has "broken me in" as it were, agreed to be a ref for me, and I'll soon be posting a review on our great session. Looking forward to earning my stripes! C u soon maybe?

well this is nona and if that happened i do appologize but as everyone well knows the cops love BP as much as the providers and clientel does but sometimes I get a bit nerveous, scared even so I am sincerely sorry for not answering but I will gladly make it up to you with a half price no clock session. I am a very good provider with no pimp just trying to pay my many many bills and I also am DRUG FREE and so my profit doesn't go to anything except me and my family.... I'm in school and caring for a ailing aging 71 YO mother so forgive me and please give me another chance....XOXOXOXOXOX NONA
There's no 'if' at all here. This did happen and you did do it. Thanks for apologizing but you're about 2 weeks too late. Your offer is almost tempting but I believe the old adage about "fool me once shame on you...fool me twice shame on me." No thanks, you burned me once and I won't give you the chance to do it again. I'm done with BP and you. The VERIFIED ladies of eccie have welcomed me quite nicely and I won't be taking any more chances with BP. I took a chance on you 2 weeks ago and I crapped out. No thanks.
1/2 price my ass.......she should have offerred you a FREEBEE. It would have also helped clear her name as someone that really wants to be in this hobby. Good for you for not taking her up on her offer.