Crystal Health Spa

khun_kajonsak's Avatar
Wrote something up about a yr ago when I visited. There was another young lady there. The place 5 years ago was clean, good service, and convenient for me. Never went back bc of the stench from a 1/2 filled jacuzzi, showers looking oldy, and the place in disarray. Maybe things have changed
I recall a nice looking girl several years ago, way before COVID, medium frame nicely proportioned and gave a good massage plus FS, I don’t recall her name though. I stopped by after finding Good Times spa just up the road , now closed, was busy. I also don’t remember seeing the current woman or Sasha who I believe runs this spa, during shutdown I stopped back by and was greeted by a petite, older spinner, but didn’t stay, she was only one available at the time, the deal breaker was she had an issue with one of her eyes, kinda disfigured so I bounced.