I have been criticized for...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Now that I have you all here. I have been taken to task for calling for the legalization of prostitution. I have been called foolish, naive, and (gasp) a conservative. As we all know it is conservatives that are getting in the way of happiness. Well the subject has come up again in the media. Rusty Humphries has a nationally syndicated radio show and he had Dennis Hofs and one of his ladies talking about their struggle to legally challenge prostitution laws. http://www.bunnyranch.com/ He also supports GOP candidates. He has hosted HBO shows about the reality of prostitution in the US.
Even Strauss-Kahn has made the news; http://articles.businessinsider.com/...g-paris-suburb

Hofs has appeared on Sean Hannity to make his point and to point out that it is democrats trying to outlaw prostitution in Nevada. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0211/50020.html

So there is currently a struggle to free up people to live their lives and the enemy is not conservatism.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Now that I have you all here. I have been taken to task for calling for the legalization of prostitution. I have been called foolish, naive, and (gasp) a conservative. As we all know it is conservatives that are getting in the way of happiness. Well the subject has come up again in the media. Rusty Humphries has a nationally syndicated radio show and he had Dennis Hofs and one of his ladies talking about their struggle to legally challenge prostitution laws. http://www.bunnyranch.com/ He also supports GOP candidates. He has hosted HBO shows about the reality of prostitution in the US.
Even Strauss-Kahn has made the news; http://articles.businessinsider.com/...g-paris-suburb

Hofs has appeared on Sean Hannity to make his point and to point out that it is democrats trying to outlaw prostitution in Nevada. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0211/50020.html

So there is currently a struggle to free up people to live their lives and the enemy is not conservatism. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Here is a quote by Hofs.

“My goal in this is twofold. Number one is promotion for my business. I am the P.T. Barnum of Booty. This what I do to promote my business. And number two: Legalization is the right thing to do. It eliminates all the exploitation. The right wingers like Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity will convince you that all working girls are underaged, ethnic, short shorts, crackpipe with a black pimp down the street. They teach you that all prostitutes have diseases and are drug addicts. Why else would they work?”
WTF's Avatar
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  • 01-14-2012, 08:14 AM
Now that I have you all here. I have been taken to task for calling for the legalization of prostitution. I have been called foolish, naive, and (gasp) a conservative. As we all know it is conservatives that are getting in the way of happiness. Well the subject has come up again in the media. Rusty Humphries has a nationally syndicated radio show and he had Dennis Hofs and one of his ladies talking about their struggle to legally challenge prostitution laws. . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Have you ever been out with Dennis? Keep a VIP room open past closing so you could continue the fun? Discussed the absurdity of laws? Do you know that in fact he does not want the Nevada laws changed. It would kill his business. Quit talking out your ass ace.


Look, a true conservative does not care what is done between consenting adults. The problem is not with them, it is with Social Conservatives. They have teamed with the Liberal/Fem's and are the biggest hurdle to prostitution. The people that care about this issue in a positive direction are so few that it will be impossible to overcome that pairing of Social Conservatives and Liberal do gooders.

That is all I have said. I have pointed out the reality. I know this issue better than you Tinkerbell. You are foolish and naive if you think the tide is turning in our favor. Yes our favor. I am with you on this one. I wish it was different but the fact is, it is not. It is like wishing you could be younger. Unless a really big event happens, that wish will not happen.
Here is a quote by Hofs.

“My goal in this is twofold. Number one is promotion for my business. I am the P.T. Barnum of Booty. This what I do to promote my business. And number two: Legalization is the right thing to do. It eliminates all the exploitation. The right wingers like Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity will convince you that all working girls are underaged, ethnic, short shorts, crackpipe with a black pimp down the street. They teach you that all prostitutes have diseases and are drug addicts. Why else would they work?” Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Do not confuse this silly SOB with facts Munch. We all know that unless Rush or Sean speak directly to them, they are immune from facts....
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Finally a truth from WTF, I was expecting to tutor you in the difference between conservatives. The religious conservative is against prostitution but they are a minority and when placed against the US Constitution don't have any real power. The more typical conservative is a constitional conservative like Hannity or Limbaugh. I gave you the link about Hofs appearing on the Hannity show. Hofs has also appeared with Teller (of Penn and Teller), Judith Regan (conservative book agent to Limbaugh), and John Stossel. All conseratives.
So go back and find an actual quote from Hannity or O'reilly and get back to us. However I did post a link to Harry Reid (liberal democrat from Nevada) who wants to outlaw prostitution.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-14-2012, 11:30 AM
Finally a truth from WTF, I was expecting to tutor you in the difference between conservatives. The religious conservative is against prostitution but they are a minority and when placed against the US Constitution don't have any real power. The more typical conservative is a constitional conservative like Hannity or Limbaugh. I gave you the link about Hofs appearing on the Hannity show. Hofs has also appeared with Teller (of Penn and Teller), Judith Regan (conservative book agent to Limbaugh), and John Stossel. All conseratives.
So go back and find an actual quote from Hannity or O'reilly and get back to us. However I did post a link to Harry Reid (liberal democrat from Nevada) who wants to outlaw prostitution. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Really? Social Conseratives have no real power in the GOP?

You were going to 'school' me?

That is funny.

I know about prostitution. I know which factions support it. None. But there are a few that do not oppose it like the Social Conseratives do.

Please , if you think the prostitution will be legal anytime soon, you are an idiot on this subject.

Below is a simple link to help you understand the many factions inside the GOP. There are just as many in the DNC. It is not an issue that will get any support to speak of. It is like ron Paul's foreign policy. Never will there be a majority to support that.

That is the reality. That is the world in which I live Tinkerbell. Actually it is the world in which you live but you are not smart enough to understand it.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
(sigh) Go back and read that again. I said RELIGIOUS conservatives and not social conservatives. There is a difference, a bigggg difference. Yes, RELIGIOUS conservatives are severely limited by the US Constitution. (I think I said this already) No matter how much a religious conservative may want to make laws based on their religion the Constitution prevents them. Progressive liberals always couch their arguments in legal and civil rights terms. Example: In order to free women to fulfill their destiny and to advance the feminist agenda we have to outlaw prostitution. This was the argument used in 1920. Sound familiar?
pyramider's Avatar
Prostitution and marijuana will not be legal in my life.
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  • 01-15-2012, 04:40 PM
Prostitution and marijuana will not be legal in my life. Originally Posted by pyramider
exactly. But J D thinks it is because of liberals! Plus he thinks if you call into your local radio station you will be able to change thepublics mind! And he thinks I do not know wtf I am talking about in this regard.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 01-15-2012, 05:06 PM
I B Hankering's Avatar
Prostitution and marijuana will not be legal in my life. Originally Posted by pyramider
Oh, but they are. You must just be ready to travel to the right places: Nevada and California for instance.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Currently 16 states have some form of legalized marijuana use. Mostly "medical" marijauna but in other states penalties have been reduced for possession.

Why can't prostitution be legal? 20 years ago a state lottery was unheard of but the states realized the money that could be made from them and now we have lotteries everywhere. Prostitution has been legal before and I expect that it will be legal in certain localities in the future just like before. We already have cities turning a blind eye to the profession if it stays inside certain areas; Boston (the Block), Baltimore (the Combat Zone), and New Orleans (the French Quarter).
WTF's Avatar
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  • 01-15-2012, 06:38 PM
Oh, but they are. You must just be ready to travel to the right places: Nevada and California for instance. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
True, but you need a Rx for one and Nevada has been the only state in the union to have it legal.

Not exactly a ringing endorsement for progress.

Though I think one is doing better than the other. The one we can not talk about stands a much better chance in our lifetimes.

JD is full of shit if he think otherwise. Wait JD is full of shit no matter what but this just proves his naivety on prostitution progress.
I B Hankering's Avatar
True, but you need a Rx for one and Nevada has been the only state in the union to have it legal.

Not exactly a ringing endorsement for progress. Originally Posted by WTF
There was a time when you needed an RX to visit a massage parlor in Oklahoma City. The massage parlors provided would-be patrons with the name of a doctor, and the patrons could have an RX within 30 mins. Rumor is, that's pretty much the way things are in California.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-15-2012, 06:56 PM
There was a time when you needed an RX to visit a massage parlor in Oklahoma City. The massage parlors provided would-be patrons with the name of a doctor, and the patrons could have an RX within 30 mins. Rumor is, that's pretty much the way things are in California. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I'd love to hear that conversation!

JD, ''Lil JD is sic doc , He needs a massage!''

Massage Doc, "Here JD. Take this RX over to Me Love You Long Time Massage and try not to go Blind, I'm a LOve Doctor not an Eye Doctor!"

I B Hankering's Avatar
I'd love to hear that conversation!

JD, ''Lil JD is sic doc , He needs a massage!''

Massage Doc, "Here JD. Take this RX over to Me Love You Long Time Massage and try not to go Blind, I'm a LOve Doctor not an Eye Doctor!"
Originally Posted by WTF
Damn WTF! You would criticize someone for looking for a little relief on a SHMB? SMH