Vote for me get a pardon!

The title once again says it all!
Vote for me!
Commit crimes on my behalf, assault and kill police, storm the capital, overturn elections in my name.
You need a pardon, no problem
You really can't make this shit up!
Fucking criminal!
eyecu2's Avatar
Not only did he say he'd pardon the "mistreated patriots" who rampaged through the capital and injured over 100 cops, but he has suggested that there be YUGE protests (similar) in cities like NYC, DC and Atlanta. Its just to throw red meat to the red voters who think, that overthrowing an election is ok. In the meantime, you have more support for just the opposite happening to those insurrectionists from Lady G., who says he wants them to go to jail. Mitch has suggested the same. The rift between all those on the side of Trump vs the side of law. I laugh as those who align with Trump don't give a shit about his illegal activities; all of which are coming to light.

AG in Atlanta- pending grand jury-for voter fraud intimidation.
AG in NYC - wire and bank fraud for property taxes
DC - obstruction of certification of votes

Imagine a guy who has gone to the effort of sending "alternative voter certifications / Fraudulent with signatures" to change the votes from a state with hopes that PENCE would accept those, vs the secretary of states official certifications. What WON'T Trump do to hold onto power. MAGA's will sit and watch their king spout lie after lie about democrats or other RINO's or never trumpers, till the cows come home but those ppl, will still vote red.

(Unless they died from Covid or are in a hospital from covid *no mail-in votes though)

But yeah pardons for everyone who will bash a cop in the head in the name of Trump.

Sounds like his slogan that all the republicans on this site can get behind; you know in the name of Q or because of the conspiracies.

You just can't get more stupid than those ppl who eat up his baloney.
snoopy75's Avatar
Trump is gone. He’s not coming back, no matter how much he thinks he is. Time to stop frothing at the mouth over him and move on…we have bigger issues to worry about.
Trump is gone. He’s not coming back, no matter how much he thinks he is. Time to stop frothing at the mouth over him and move on…we have bigger issues to worry about. Originally Posted by snoopy75
That may or may not be true!
We will see.
And yes, bigger issues, like the suppression of our minorities voting rights, nominating an black female to the Supreme Court!
You in?
snoopy75's Avatar
You forgot the terrible horrible no good "misinformation" sweeping the nation!
Regardless, I think the bad orange man is done.
eyecu2's Avatar
You forgot the terrible horrible no good "misinformation" sweeping the nation!
Regardless, I think the bad orange man is done. Originally Posted by snoopy75
I think Trump is likely out also, but his influence clearly isn't. But I'm more interested in the "misinformation you are talking about sweeping the nation". That's a pretty broad comment with nothing to relate that back to. What are you suggesting is at the center of that or what specifically are referring to?
I think Trump is likely out also, but his influence clearly isn't. But I'm more interested in the "misinformation you are talking about sweeping the nation". That's a pretty broad comment with nothing to relate that back to. What are you suggesting is at the center of that or what specifically are referring to? Originally Posted by eyecu2
. Get'em eye!
The title once again says it all!
Vote for me!
Commit crimes on my behalf, assault and kill police, storm the capital, overturn elections in my name.
You need a pardon, no problem
You really can't make this shit up!
Fucking criminal! Originally Posted by Dogface78
And this is different from violent rioter how? Oh right....the riots over the summer never got put in jail to begin with.
And this is different from violent rioter how? Oh right....the riots over the summer never got put in jail to begin with. Originally Posted by sjomonty
You mean like Kyle Ritthouse?
You talking about him?
Yeah I'm in agreement, that judge should have hung his little ass!
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 02-01-2022, 10:50 AM
If they are convicted felons, they can't vote, so, your post makes no logical sense.

I'll love to see your faces the night of the election.
eyecu2's Avatar
And this is different from violent rioter how? Oh right....the riots over the summer never got put in jail to begin with. Originally Posted by sjomonty
Well, I'm not in Law enforcement, but yeah, I'd arrest and charge anyone in those riots. That bullshit is exactly that. Nobody including the ppl who are brazenly thieving from stores and breaking laws, need to be held 100% accountable for any and all laws they break. I think ppl who break laws need to face the music. Including politicians. Sadly they seem to be above the law per Bill Barr and others.

Are you all ok with ANY politician being held accountable with any law they break?? Without the protections of an office?! If not, tell why.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Yeah. We should definitely keep people locked in solitary confinement indefinitely, without trial, for misdemeanors (or nothing at all). Jawohl!

I swear you fuckers were guards at Treblinka in a previous life.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 02-01-2022, 02:41 PM
"Albeit Macht Frei"
Yeah. We should definitely keep people locked in solitary confinement indefinitely, without trial, for misdemeanors (or nothing at all). Jawohl!

I swear you fuckers were guards at Treblinka in a previous life. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
... They have NO IDEA what they're talking about, mate.
Just more liberal mis-information.

What Trump was referring to - is exactly what you mention.
Trump will look into pardons for the protesters whose
civil rights are being violated while they are NOT
getting hearings...

Maybe YOU can try to explain it to the mis-informed.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
... They have NO IDEA what they're talking about, mate.
Just more liberal mis-information.

What Trump was referring to - is exactly what you mention.
Trump will look into pardons for the protesters whose
civil rights are being violated while they are NOT
getting hearings...

Maybe YOU can try to explain it to the mis-informed.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
That is all they can do Salty - post mis-information. It really is sad.

By the way, anyone remember this group who breached the Capitol:

70 Democrat Protesters Arrested At First Kavanaugh Hearing - Roll Call

They breached the Capitol.
They disrupted the Democratic Process.

Were they kept in jail for months without bail? Kept in solitary confinement and mistreated? Nope. They were all released the same day. No bail. Nobody got worse than a $50 fine.