New York Times Sues To Get Hunter Biden Information

berryberry's Avatar
Shocking considering the source. I guess they are done with Senile Biden

From Jonathon Turley;

We have repeatedly discussed the virtual news blackout on the influence peddling by the Biden family, particularly Hunter Biden. Despite overwhelming evidence of millions given by foreign companies and officials, the media has preferred to cover literal scoops over a story of breathtaking levels of self-dealing and corruption by the Bidens. Now, however, the New York Times has sued to force the Biden Administration to turn over information on Hunter Biden’s Romanian dealings. The lawsuit comes after another report that, in 2019, the FBI subpoenaed JP Morgan for records on Hunter Biden’s Chinese dealings.

In a new lawsuit on Monday, the Times sued the State Department to obtain emails from Romanian embassy officials sent between 2015 and 2019 mentioning a number of international business figures, including the president’s son and his former business associate Tony Bobulinski.

While the request was sent in December 2021, the Biden Administration told the Times that the soonest that it could possibly turn over the information is April 15, 2023. That is after the mid-term elections.

This story could be a bit awkward for the White House staff. When the New York Times’ Ken Vogel wrote about Hunter Biden’s dealings as a potential “significant liability,” Biden officials viciously attacked him while others suggested that he was a pawn of Russian or Trump disinformation. Of course, the allegations proved to be true and the infamous laptop is now considered authentic.

One of the most outspoken aides denying the entire story was Kate Bedingfield, who is now the director of White House Communications. She denounced the story as an “egregious act of journalistic malpractice.”

Andrew Bates, who is now deputy director, tweeted “SCOOP from Philadelphia: KEN VOGEL (@kenvogel ) is a COWARD.”

They will now handle questions on this story as White House officials. That includes why President Biden repeatedly said that no one had accused Hunter or his family of “doing anything wrong” when he was presumably aware of the FBI subpoena and the seizure of the laptop. Given these investigations, there is also the question of why a special counsel has not been appointed given President Biden’s past comments that have been contradicted by witnesses (as well as references to his own financial accounts in these emails).

The media and FBI investigations now cover transactions ranging from China, Ukraine, Russia, Romania, and other countries. Millions flowed to the Biden family while Joe Biden was Vice President and later as he prepared for a presidential run. Biden is still running out for ice cream and the media is dutifully covering it. The question however remains whether this will remain just desserts . . . or whether Hunter and others will receive their just deserts for influencing peddling.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 02-01-2022, 03:08 PM
I love Turley, he may be a Democrat, but, he is perhaps the most free speaking and truth telling person I know.
berryberry's Avatar
I love Turley, he may be a Democrat, but, he is perhaps the most free speaking and truth telling person I know. Originally Posted by Devo
Agreed. He is someone I follow online as I like a variety of perspectives. I don't hold that he is a Democrat against him as he always tells it like it is, truthfully
If the story actually makes it to the Public, will Biden go hide with Trudeau??
berryberry's Avatar
If the story actually makes it to the Public, will Biden go hide with Trudeau?? Originally Posted by DrivesAllDay
I wonder if they will both flee the country and use Saddam's old hidey hole

Well they cant be caught NOT reporting on it at some point....and the election is over and Biden doesnt have a snowballs chance the timing is perfect for them to "Break the news". Disgusting.
bambino's Avatar
Drip drip drip flood! The information on the Biden’s is coming out. Pelosi’s son, election fraud, illegals, it’s all coming out. Plus, Durham will release some bombs. Enjoy the show.
berryberry's Avatar
Exclusive: Classified State Department email declared that Hunter Biden had ‘undercut’ U.S. anticorruption efforts in Ukraine

In an email kept from public view for more than five years, a top U.S. State Department official in Kiev wrote to Washington superiors at the end of the Obama-Biden administration that Hunter Biden's business dealings in Ukraine "undercut" U.S. efforts to fight corruption in the former Soviet republic.

The email, obtained by Just the News, was written on Nov. 22, 2016 by former U.S. embassy official George Kent, one of the Democrats' star witnesses in their first effort to impeach former President Donald Trump.

It was classified "confidential," the lowest level of secrecy, by then-U.S. Ambassador to Kiev Marie Yovanovitch, another of the Democrats' impeachment witnesses, and was not produced as evidence to House lawmakers during impeachment. Contrary to federal law, the State Department failed to acknowledge the existence of the document to the court or to Just the News in its multiple Freedom of Information Act lawsuits against the State Department seeking records on Hunter and Joe Biden's dealings in Ukraine.

Most importantly, the email's stark message directly conflicts with the narrative the mainstream media, State Department witnesses and Democratic congressmen gave the public two years ago, when they insisted Hunter Biden's lucrative job with the allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings — while creating the appearance of a conflict of interest — had no impact on U.S. efforts to fight corruption in that country.

"The real issue to my mind was that someone in Washington needed to engage VP Biden quietly and say that his son Hunter's presence on the Burisma board undercut the anti-corruption message the VP and we were advancing in Ukraine," Kent wrote multiple high-ranking officials in the State Department in Washington.

The recipients of the email included Jorgan K. Andrews, then the-Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.

Kent's email described an intense pressure campaign by advocates for Burisma — including a former U.S. ambassador — to rehabilitate the Ukrainian company's corrupt reputation and to get Ukraine prosecutors to drop their criminal investigations of the company.

Kent even relayed to higher-ups that he had confirmed with Ukrainian prosecutors that Burisma officials had paid a $7 million "bribe" to make one of the cases against the company disappear. The bribe was allegedly paid at a time when Hunter Biden was serving on the Burisma board, a job that landed his firm more than $3 million from the Ukrainian energy company.

Kent explained to the officials in Washington that Burisma's long reputation for alleged corruption and anecdotes like the bribe were one of the main reasons Hunter Biden's affiliation with the company proved harmful to U.S. efforts to fight Ukrainian corruption.

"Ukrainians heard one message from us," Kent wrote, "and then saw another set of behavior, with the [BIden] family association with a known corrupt figure whose company was known for not playing by the rules in the oil/gas sector."

More here:
berryberry's Avatar
Biden Ukraine 'Dealings' Back In Spotlight: NYT Sues For Emails; Memo Accuses Hunter Of 'Undercutting' Corruption Fight

As the 2020 election drew to a crescendo, bombshell reports of Biden family corruption were deemed verboten misinformation.

Both legacy, and social media, refused to cover credible reports of Joe and Hunter Biden's involvement in everything from CCP-linked Chinese energy companies (10 for the big guy!), to footage of the now-president bragging about withholding $1 billion in a quid-pro-quo with Ukraine unless they fired their chief prosecutor, Victor Shokin.

Which brings us to the first order of business - that a key component of Democrats' impeachment thesis against President Trump was just debunked.

Shokin, as it were, was investigating Ukrainian energy giant Burisma - which had hired Hunter Biden to the tune of $80,000 per month to sit on its board and act as a middle man between the company and DC lobbying firm, Blue Star Strategies.

In January, 2019, Shokin stated that there were five criminal cases against Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevesky, including money laundering, corruption, illegal funds transfers, and profiteering through shell corporations while he was a sitting minister.

Yet, *poof* - Shokin is fired. When the story entered the 2020 US election, Democrats insisted that Shokin was corrupt - and that "The firing of Shokin was universally urged by Ukraine’s benefactors," as the Washington Post's Glenn Kessler dutifully reported three weeks before the 2020 US election.

Shokin's alleged corruption - for which there was zero evidence - was a key aspect of Democrats' impeachment argument against former President Donald Trump - who had asked Ukrainian president Volodomyr Zelensky to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden's dealings. Shokin's successor, Yiuri Lutsenko, said in a January 2019 deposition that Shokin is 'honest."

Yet during Trump's impeachment, Democrats perpetuated claims that Shokin was corrupt, that his removal was justified, and then-Vice President Biden was simply carrying out official US policy.

Shokin's alleged corruption was fabricated, however - as a leaked phone call between former Secretary of State John Kerry and former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko not only confirmed that Shokin wasn't corrupt, but explicitly detailed the quid-pro-quo for the $1 billion in loan guarantees.

Now, according to newly released State Department memos obtained by Just the News, six months before Biden had Shokin fired, the US State Department told the Ukrainian official that they were "impressed" with his anti-corruption efforts and fully supportive of his work.

"We have been impressed with the ambitious reform and anti-corruption agenda of your government," wrote then-Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland to Shokin in a June 9, 2015 letter that was delivered to Shokin two days later by former US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt.

more at

berryberry's Avatar
From Jonathon Turley - Members are calling for a special counsel on Hunter Biden's dealings in China.

I previously called for a special counsel but it should not be limited to China and should include the dealings of his family in that and other countries.
eyecu2's Avatar
Drip drip drip flood! Durham will release some bombs. Enjoy the show. Originally Posted by bambino
Holy shit is that dead horse not been beaten enough yet? What conspiracy comes from the Durham report that you'd like to share with us my q friend? Does Durham have Hunter's laptop? Or is Hunter's laptop still with Rudy Giuliani, which of course is a very reputable source. So many questions ...
Dont worry. Any incriminating evidence on the laptop has long been wiped away.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I love Turley, he may be a Democrat, but, he is perhaps the most free speaking and truth telling person I know. Originally Posted by Devo
He’s on par with Greenwald.
lustylad's Avatar
Dont worry. Any incriminating evidence on the laptop has long been wiped away. Originally Posted by DrivesAllDay
No chance. There were actually 3 laptops. They became abandoned property after Hunter failed to return and pick them up at the Wilmington repair shop. Everything on them was downloaded by the repair shop owner. Although the FBI subpoenaed the laptops from the shop owner in Dec. 2019 as part of its money-laundering investigation, downloaded copies are everywhere by now.

Here's the receipt Hunter signed when he dropped them off for repair:

Jacuzzme's Avatar
I wonder if they will both flee the country and use Saddam's old hidey hole

Originally Posted by berryberry
Notice the complete lack of markings on those 2 guys? SFOD-Delta