Self Promoting Response

To make sure I didn't cross the line, this thread has been approved and given a G rating.

Obviously my statements weren't clear, so I'll try to make it a bit easier for some to understand.

Swarmy....You're correct, everyone has an opinion and is entitled to share on this board seeing as its a dicussion board. You say that my opinion doesn't matter? Maybe to you it doesn't, but to others it does. You NEVER have a positive post, nothing positive to say to anyone, so I wasn't surprised when I saw your response. How is it that you never talk back to a man, but you'll talk smack to a chick on this board at the drop of a dime? Unlike you, I'll refrain from the name calling. The definition of a diva is the following: "a usually glamorous and successful female performer or personality," according to Merriam-Webster. So, I want to thank you for thinking of me as such. The psychologist in me says that you have issues with strong women.

Growler....Thanks for the welcome back, but I was on a "vacation," and not to the desert. Are you a WK? Sometimes you can be, but the same could be said for us all, no? I'm still trying to understand how you or anyone else would take my post as you called it, sour grapes? Topnotch and I have different clientele, we don't live in the same city, we offer totally different services and again, we don't live in the same city. I don't depend on my clients in KC to pay my bills because I'm not there that often, she does because she lives there. I don't envy her, I don't envy anyone except Michael Buble's fiance. I have a great life, I was given a second chance at my life and I've made the most of it so far. I have great clients who treat me like a queen, I have great friends, my family is the most important thing to me. So, please tell does that qualify as envy or sour grapes? When I advertise myself Growler, I do it in my ads, my website...etc, but I don't make offers in posts. I may push the limits on this site, but its NOT through self promoting. BIG difference.

Allie Kat.....internet police? hmmm....doubtful. Every person on this board is supposed to be held to the same standards. Every one of us is supposed to be helpful and look out for each other. Hell, I'd still help you if you needed it and if there was important information that I felt would be helpful to you, I'd still give it to you.

Thank you to those males and females who emailed/PMed/IMed me.
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 08-09-2010, 01:38 PM
This is done!

On second thought.......
swarmyone's Avatar
This is done!

On second thought....... Originally Posted by Bubba
Maybe you should close it....I've come damn close to letting my true feelings out, which I'm sure would have resulted in a lengthy suspension. Frankly I don't know why she was allowed to essentially re-open what was a closed thread.
ladylover4ever's Avatar
I think I am leaning toward MsElena on this one. I can see her side of the beef. I have felt sometimes a post or two has been written as though it came from a full service provider, only to go back and review/remind myself that they are not. There are plenty of topic areas and everyone is entitled to their opinion. But the VAST majority of us are looking to exchange ideas in the Dreamer/Provider arena. And on those issues, I look forward to reading what a Provider Point of View may be.

This concludes my 2 cents.
I don't know mselena, have never seen her, but what she says makes sense. Too many white knights on this board that defend those who know just what to say to
gather the sympathy from the board. Not all of us fall for that damsel in distress crap.
I have never had the pleasure of meeting either lady, but I do see Ms. Elena's point, if topnotch is linking you to her website and giving contact info in her signature line I can see how every post she makes is considered advertising. Not that I am against it in any way but if verified providers are the only members allowed to advertise on the site then the info should be removed from the signature line
JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 08-09-2010, 07:42 PM
As far as topnotch is concerned...some people are making a big deal over nothing...and I have never met Christine, for the record.

Just my two cents...
swarmyone's Avatar
Maybe we should just line up on either side of the park. MsElena's knights on the left....Christine's on the right. Sound the horns and we can rumble in the middle. Then we can see who has the most people left standing.

Or we can just forget about the whole damn thing. If you quit feeding drama to a drama queen...eventually she will just go away.

"some people are making a big deal over nothing" - well said JS42
I have no desire to take part in this discussion any longer.
but I have expressed that I will no longer contribute posts that the mods consider to be too close to an ad.
so, Please...can we move on to something more interesting?..

I'm sorry, I was under the impression that everyone's opinion mattered. You just want to stifle anyone who has an opinion that doesn't match your own. No one has attacked you for your opinion, but yet you feel the need to attack others. You really do hate strong, intelligent women don't you? You need a hug, someone hug him.
. . . someone hug him. Originally Posted by MsElena
Nah. He needs a blowjob, maybe more so than most anyone else here . . .

Swarmy, everyone doesn't have to conform to your line of thinking . . . as much as you may want (fantasize) otherwise . . .


- Jackie
Nah. He needs a blowjob, maybe more so than most anyone else here . . . Originally Posted by jackie@sintropolis
Damn..! That's so unfair...

I'm gettin' in line....
Damn..! That's so unfair...

I'm gettin' in line.... Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
Yes, well, get in line it has been a while since I've seen you - I wouldn't miss a chance for you to go down . . . oh, sorry. Damn that tongue of yours Wizard! Now I need a towel.

. . . So not on topic, but alas, you have mad skills. I'll take the admonishment if it is given . . . it is worth it for the mere mention of your tickle.


- Jackie
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nah. He needs a blowjob, maybe more so than most anyone else here . . . Originally Posted by jackie@sintropolis
Uh, pick me? I express my need for a blowjob by being irresistibly charming and delightfully witty. So you can see, I have needed one for a long time.

And just to stay on topic, whatever this thread is about, I am either for it or against it. I forgot what was being discussed when Jackie said "blowjob."

So, hypothetically speaking of course, if I were to drop to my knees for you COG, and if you came in my mouth, is it my fault, or yours? I was under the impression everything was your fault . . .

Sleep well . . . sweet dreams!


- Jackie

. . . how's that for self promotion?