I know that some of you guys or people consider sex workers
sub human. But we are people. You all can go ahead and laugh at me, call me a crazy bitch(wouldn't be the first time) take shots...whatever.

Now, I can only speak for myself, but things said on here can really hurt people. I know some ladies can be bitches or highly opinionated on here, but it is USUALLY WHEN PROVOKED.

How would one of you feel to know the girl you are making fun of started using or drinking again? That her eating disorder she overcame
has come back. Or that she is teetering on the edge of depression and looking at one more hurtful thing sent her over the edge and something terrible happend?

Now, there will be an arguement that we are only responsible for our own feelings and actions. Of course.

But all of this meanness and hatred is just like picking on a child at school. You know, the ones who end up dead from bullying.

We laugh and screw around on here, but do any of you give any thought to what you might be doing to PEOPLE(another human being) and do you care? Are some of you really that cold? I am not being mean or smart. I am really serious. I know some of you know, because you were picked on or bullied. But it doesnt give anyone a free pass to go around inflicting pain on others.

I know when I act out it is usually because I am hurting inside. It's pretty basic....those who put down others don't feel good about themselves when they engage in this behavior. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

I am being serious here... I feel sorry for people who are mean to others, because they hurt the most. But again, not a free pass to Lash out at others, imo.

I used to let the board effect me. It would make me cry sometimes, make me feel down about myself, etc. But when you can see past all the dysfunction, you realize the people being mean may be hurting too. They may not realize the damage that can be done or....

You just realize that you can't make sense out of something crazy and that some people just can't be fixed or wont look at themselves. They do not have the ability due to whatever personality disorder or other emotional issues.

And we ALL have issues. I just wanted to say that.

For the most part, it doesn't hurt me anymore. I will get on here and play psychological chess and act a fool! It ammuses me at times, but sometimes this shit gets taken too far.


sue_nami's Avatar
I agree and the guys need to figure out this forum would pretty boring without the girls here. I just don't get it, why be mean? the women respectfully ask for a truce to the woman bashing that has become the norm in here. let's talk about fucking, not slam the women all the time.
puddy tat's Avatar
Yes , it's a shame that some extremely loudmouth providers can provoke such actions, then disappear, leaving ones that have done nothing to deal with the shitstorm of their making! However there are no guys taking up drinking, eating themselves into oblivion, cutting, having suicidal idealization, those are purely female emotional responses. None of the guys are hurting, and striking out at you, that's not the way guys are wired. Don't you ladies pretend you do not know why these threads and post are happening. Occasionally when you are two faced loudmouths talking shit about people behind their backs, you get held accountable for your actions. None of the loudmouthed ladies have called for a truce, those cowards just slink off and hide. Unfortunately a lot of you ladies whom were not part of this, and a bunch of WK's and lurkers who no nothing about why this is happening, make your comments in full ignorance. There are approximately 8 players in this, and they know what is going on, the rest are insignificant, commenting on shit they have absolutely NO idea what they are responding to. Make no mistake Scarlett, this has nothing to do with thinking providers are subhuman, this is and will continue to be retribution for the loudmouthed two faced cowards who start wars, then flee.
  • Annef
  • 10-19-2013, 08:14 AM
Rick, this is very sad. Retribution? Really? I can't speak for Scarlett, but I don't really think she's talking about your silly thread. I think this is about a deeper current here, but I could be wrong. Retribution? Oh god. You are guys are off your rocker.

Yes , it's a shame that some extremely loudmouth providers can provoke such actions, then disappear, leaving ones that have done nothing to deal with the shitstorm of their making! However there are no guys taking up drinking, eating themselves into oblivion, cutting, having suicidal idealization, those are purely female emotional responses. None of the guys are hurting, and striking out at you, that's not the way guys are wired. Don't you ladies pretend you do not know why these threads and post are happening. Occasionally when you are two faced loudmouths talking shit about people behind their backs, you get held accountable for your actions. None of the loudmouthed ladies have called for a truce, those cowards just slink off and hide. Unfortunately a lot of you ladies whom were not part of this, and a bunch of WK's and lurkers who no nothing about why this is happening, make your comments in full ignorance. There are approximately 8 players in this, and they know what is going on, the rest are insignificant, commenting on shit they have absolutely NO idea what they are responding to. Make no mistake Scarlett, this has nothing to do with thinking providers are subhuman, this is and will continue to be retribution for the loudmouthed two faced cowards who start wars, then flee. Originally Posted by puddy tat
puddy tat's Avatar
Hahaha poor poor Anne, not smart enough to figure out she's one of the main contributing causes of the atmosphere here. Get the big picture, quit running your tired wrinkled old flapper, and things could change to a merrier setting. However I like it the way that's more fun to respond to. You are counter productive to the spirit of Scarlett's thead. Notice not ThreAD, as she is not being insincere. I'll bet she and others will thank you to shut your big yap!
AcesHigh's Avatar
There are always going to be bullies. The internet simply makes it easier to be cowardly. I've found that real men don't need to bully. Insecurity breeds bullies. Don't let bullying bother you.
SRPHR's Avatar
  • 10-19-2013, 09:42 AM
Nice post Scarlett. Live is too short. Love never fails! We are all from planet earth...imagine if more people looked at life from that perspective.
ECCIE for me has been a fun outlet for intimate adventure....
I will give the advice my dead father gave me about 6 years ago.
I was having a bad day, stressed out, tired of being a punching bag, feeling sorry for myself

"Shut the fuck up and gut it up, you are better off than about 3 billion of the worlds population. I dont want to here anymore complaining!"

now that was the way my father thought. Well at first I hated it and his words hurt me. I wanted him to say. " Yes baby boy life is hard but you need to realize how good you really have it". However he was RIGHT., quit your belly aching and do something about it!! You are not going to change the way people are going to treat you, or very rarely
Life is not fair and frankly very few people give a rats ass if you live or die.. I know its a bitter pill to swallow but at the of the day he was right!!
Hahaha poor poor Anne, not smart enough to figure out she's one of the main contributing causes of the atmosphere here. Get the big picture, quit running your tired wrinkled old flapper, and things could change to a merrier setting. However I like it the way that's more fun to respond to. You are counter productive to the spirit of Scarlett's thead. Notice not ThreAD, as she is not being insincere. I'll bet she and others will thank you to shut your big yap! Originally Posted by puddy tat
Why are u so mean? Idk Annef personally but dnt think shes not smart. Read some of her posts, they are very intelligent and they make u think. Idk u personally but u seem like one of those guys that bully up on females, guys that make females like me feel like we're nothing more than a object. I have personally gone thru a eating disorder and I will be happy/proud to say that I have been to rehab (for drugs) not once, but twice and I have been clean for over 3 years.

When I first started out, I was 19 and thats where it all began. Me feel less than worthy because of a certain client. I know/knew what I was doing, I was being paid to yes be a object but a guy can still be respectful. In most opportunities and situations now, they are but guys like u, I would never personally see u and I figure that a lot of the females here that have respect wouldn't see u.

And last note, I feel like the guys like u, that bully up on girls like me, Scarlett, Anne, and many, many others are just insecure and in need of something that will make u feel better and in power. Its like a drug.. u become numb and u dnt feel as bad... been there done that. Maybe u should start looking more at urself and ur issues rather than causing more problems and issues for others. Dnt gang up on these ladies. I have always appreciated and respected ur comments and posts but this is going a lil far hun....
puddy tat's Avatar
Ally, do you really think it matters if a handful of girls won't see me ? I have over 70 on speed dial that will. Really what does it matter if you've never been asked, and never will. I do not treat ladies badly, I do however confront the chickenshit two faced ones that make shit up that they wish they had to courage to say to my face. In case you haven't noticed there are around 700 providers in the area. So who cares? Another tid bit of info, you've never met me and everyone has google numbers, how are you gonna know it's me til I'm walking out the door and whisper it in your ear? lol you gals are sooo silly. Do you see Scarlett catching grief, NO, she is respectful herself, and deserves being treated better than two faced cowards that make shit up they wish they had the guts to say to your face.
  • Annef
  • 10-19-2013, 11:27 AM
Hahaha poor poor Anne, not smart enough to figure out she's one of the main contributing causes of the atmosphere here. Get the big picture, quit running your tired wrinkled old flapper, and things could change to a merrier setting. However I like it the way that's more fun to respond to. You are counter productive to the spirit of Scarlett's thead. Notice not ThreAD, as she is not being insincere. I'll bet she and others will thank you to shut your big yap! Originally Posted by puddy tat
Rick, I did obviously get the fact that you were, in part, speaking of me. I was not being insincere, I do think talk of retribution and the like sounds a little bit crazy to me. Retribution for what, exactly? I'm not so sure that a GPS form of retribution (which I don't really buy) is not also counter productive to the spirit of Scarlett's thread, no? Also, admitting that you like it when I respond because it gives you something to do, or someone to insult is not also counter-productive, no? And you did so in a way that was childishly insulting to me. If you notice, I did not do that to you. My one criticism was sincere; you sound a little bit hysterical right now. You have gotten to me from time to time with the whole "you'll never work in this town again" thing. But, I think I'm over the hump with that. It's silly coercion, and in my heart of heart's, I think you are better than that. I really do. I think I hurt your feelings many threads ago (although I don't think you are going to admit it), and if you recall I apologized for the sad old man on a park bench comment. That was a little harsh, and I apologized. My other comments on here have not been sycophantic (that's just not me; I''m very direct), but my comments don't have the agenda to deliberately incite.

Just one other point, when people are engaging in abusive behavior towards another, the first tactic of offense is to blame the people they are directing their insults to as to make it their fault. I am in no way responsible for your behavior in the form of threads. That is all you. I, nor any other woman who participates on this forum, can make you say anything. You take responsibility for yourself, Rick. If that were my job to do right now, I would do it. But, I don't see anyone taking me to task for being an asshole, right now. I don't believe I have been.
Still Looking's Avatar
Nice post Scarlett. Live is too short. Love never fails! We are all from planet earth...imagine if more people looked at life from that perspective.
ECCIE for me has been a fun outlet for intimate adventure.... Originally Posted by SRPHR
I happen to know a few divorce attorneys that might not agree with you.

Here I'll explain it... LOVE FAILS, lose house, cut check, start posting reviews again! Have wing man promise to kick you in the nuts if you ever say the word "marriage" again
Still Looking's Avatar
Rick, I did obviously get the fact that you were, in part, speaking of me. I was not being insincere, I do think talk of retribution and the like sounds a little bit crazy to me. Retribution for what, exactly? I'm not so sure that a GPS form of retribution (which I don't really buy) is not also counter productive to the spirit of Scarlett's thread, no? Also, admitting that you like it when I respond because it gives you something to do, or someone to insult is not also counter-productive, no? And you did so in a way that was childishly insulting to me. If you notice, I did not do that to you. My one criticism was sincere; you sound a little bit hysterical right now. You have gotten to me from time to time with the whole "you'll never work in this town again" thing. But, I think I'm over the hump with that. It's silly coercion, and in my heart of heart's, I think you are better than that. I really do. I think I hurt your feelings many threads ago (although I don't think you are going to admit it), and if you recall I apologized for the sad old man on a park bench comment. That was a little harsh, and I apologized. My other comments on here have not been sycophantic (that's just not me; I''m very direct), but my comments don't have the agenda to deliberately incite.

Just one other point, when people are engaging in abusive behavior towards another, the first tactic of offense is to blame the people they are directing their insults to as to make it their fault. I am in no way responsible for your behavior in the form of threads. That is all you. I, nor any other woman who participates on this forum, can make you say anything. You take responsibility for yourself, Rick. If that were my job to do right now, I would do it. But, I don't see anyone taking me to task for being an asshole, right now. I don't believe I have been. Originally Posted by Annef
Holly Shit! Now I have heard EVERYTHING!
Ally, do you really think it matters if a handful of girls won't see me ? I have over 70 on speed dial that will. Really what does it matter if you've never been asked, and never will. I do not treat ladies badly, I do however confront the chickenshit two faced ones that make shit up that they wish they had to courage to say to my face. In case you haven't noticed there are around 700 providers in the area. So who cares? Another tid bit of info, you've never met me and everyone has google numbers, how are you gonna know it's me til I'm walking out the door and whisper it in your ear? lol you gals are sooo silly. Do you see Scarlett catching grief, NO, she is respectful herself, and deserves being treated better than two faced cowards that make shit up they wish they had the guts to say to your face. Originally Posted by puddy tat
I respect that and yes there are many naive providers. For me, I always have them PM me on eccie before I see them or have them p411 me. Yeah, I might see u sometime by accident and not even know it, I can be clueless and naive but thats not the point. We are discussing the two faced, hateful guys that put us "providers" down.

I am not just a provider. I am a woman, I am a friend, I have a brain, I have beliefs and thoughts. I have emotions and I have/had issues. I am a normal human being just like u.

Puddy, I just find some of ur posts a lil too honest and demeaning to us "providers". I do respect thats who u r and maybe ur just to honest for me. I am still neutral with u and do enjoy ur input. I just wish that me n u could switch shoes for a day and see it from ones another opinion. I think that might change a lot.
nuglet's Avatar
Ally; some guys were raised with animals, some were raised AS animals.. Ironic he choose the appropriate handle to fit..