It was a 3.3 magnitude trembler centered in Irving, near the old Texas Stadium site.
Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
This article is just full of misconceptions, hysteria and plain old BS. No oil company would do a "frac job" at 9:00 pm, It is just too potentially dangerous. I would also suspect that there are TRRC rules against it. When you are fracing a formation, you will have an "open hole." This is when the well bore is open to the atmosphere. If a well was to blow out at that time.....then the potential for a catastrophic explosion is much greater because of the electric lights used to light the work spaces. So frac jobs are only done in the day time. Second, the noise. The engines used to run the pumps during a frac job are loud as hell. So again they are going to do it during the daytime....less complaints and probably TRRC rules and regulations.
The studies that were done over around Azle, confirmed what most oil fields rats like me knew for a long time......the earthquakes were/are probably caused by the disposal of formation water back underground. When you produce oil and gas, you also produce formation water. My dad and his generation just called it "salt water." Oil companies cant dump it in a river, etc. They would have to treat it, to make it pure, and that is expensive. So the TRRC lets them pump it back down to the formation that it came out of. Every so often around the oil field, one of the wells that doesn't produce much gas or oil is made into a disposal well.
Hydraulic fracturing has been round for 100 is not something new. It is a pretty standard technique in the completion of all oil and gas wells. But that is all it is, a technique or of many used in the process of drilling an oil or gas well.