Savage Indictment of Iraq War by a Veteran

He's mad as hell and he's not taking it anymore.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
He's mad as hell and he's not taking it anymore. Originally Posted by WombRaider
As much as it pains me to side with WormRaper . . .

As much as it pains me to side with WormRaper . . .

+1 Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Even a blind hog finds an acorn, right?
  • shanm
  • 05-23-2015, 01:45 PM
This is a good one. Pretty much says it all.

When it comes to war, the government has lied so many times that it is absolutely incredible. What keeps it from being exposed is this top-down bullshit attitude that being anti-war or criticizing the military is somehow un-American. Every war we have fought has innately had a much different agenda than what we were originally sold on, yet the RWingers are still hell-bent on entangling us in another one that we should have no part of. When will they ever fucking learn.
This is a good one. Pretty much says it all.

When it comes to war, the government has lied so many times that it is absolutely incredible. What keeps it from being exposed is this top-down bullshit attitude that being anti-war or criticizing the military is somehow un-American. Every war we have fought has innately had a much different agenda than what we were originally sold on, yet the RWingers are still hell-bent on entangling us in another one that we should have no part of. When will they ever fucking learn. Originally Posted by shanm
They are beholden to the defense contractors, for one thing. Is it coincidental that politicians arrive in washington well off and leave super rich?
dirty dog's Avatar
Its not that the right is so much "pro war" as they are "pro soldier" and many have seen the liberal's and their tendency to attack the soldier as much if not more than the politicians who sent them there. Those old enough to see how Vietnam vets were treated when they returned sometimes seem to over compensate with how they want the vets of today treated. I think this sometimes construed as pro war.
Its not that the right is so much "pro war" as they are "pro soldier" and many have seen the liberal's and their tendency to attack the soldier as much if not more than the politicians who sent them there. Those old enough to see how Vietnam vets were treated when they returned sometimes seem to over compensate with how they want the vets of today treated. I think this sometimes construed as pro war. Originally Posted by dirty dog
There are very pro-war members of the conservative party. The hypocrisy lies in them being perceived as pro-soldier. Bush is seen as pro-soldier, yet he allowed 4K plus to die in Iraq over a lie. Is that really pro-soldier behavior? Actions speak louder than words.
Iraq vets are getting pissed at the way the republican wannabees who lobbied so strongly for the war, are now running from it.
He's mad as hell and he's not taking it anymore. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I am anxious to read LLIdiot's unpatriotic words of disrespect toward the soldier who wrote the above referenced article.

Of course, LLIdiot, along with President Shrubbie, VP Darth Cheney, Rummie, Wolfie and the rest of the Spring of 2003 era Idiot's, errr Neo-Cons knew better. Those WMD's were there all along. Only the Idiot's knew the exact locations.

Perhaps they plan to reveal the mysterious locations of those illusive WMD's, on or about the Spring of 2103, when they conduct their 100th anniversary of MISSION ACCOMPLISHED celebration.
  • shanm
  • 05-23-2015, 07:04 PM
Its not that the right is so much "pro war" as they are "pro soldier" and many have seen the liberal's and their tendency to attack the soldier as much if not more than the politicians who sent them there. Those old enough to see how Vietnam vets were treated when they returned sometimes seem to over compensate with how they want the vets of today treated. I think this sometimes construed as pro war. Originally Posted by dirty dog
I disagree. The liberals that single out soldiers are scum, but so are the right wingers whose misguided sense of patriotism makes them absolutely blind to the brainwashing rhetoric coming from Washington.

Take draft dodging, for example. Even now it is considered an absolutely shameful and reprehensible act. When Muhammad Ali refused to sign up for the draft he was chastised by everyone. Here is what he said:
"No Vietcong ever called me a nigger".
Those are about some of the most powerful words I've ever heard. You want him to go and fight for a country that recognizes him as a second-class citizen? It was just a couple of years after blacks had been allowed the right TO VOTE! I'm not black, but if I was, no amount of red, white and blue would have convinced me to fight in the Vietnam war.

If you want some one to go and die for this country you better be able to tell them exactly why. I'm sick and tired of this bullshit. We glorify war as if it is anything but the murder of other human beings. I understand that sometimes it is necessary, but there hasn't been one war since wwII that falls into that category.
all you weak knee motherfucker's are a joke, do you know the person who wrote this shit or is he some lame liberal hack wanting say people on the right are unpatriotic, I be willing to bet he never wore a uniform of any branch of the service
I disagree. The liberals that single out soldiers are scum, but so are the right wingers whose misguided sense of patriotism makes them absolutely blind to the brainwashing rhetoric coming from Washington.

Take draft dodging, for example. Even now it is considered an absolutely shameful and reprehensible act. When Muhammad Ali refused to sign up for the draft he was chastised by everyone. Here is what he said:
"No Vietcong ever called me a nigger".
Those are about some of the most powerful words I've ever heard. You want him to go and fight for a country that recognizes him as a second-class citizen? It was just a couple of years after blacks had been allowed the right TO VOTE! I'm not black, but if I was, no amount of red, white and blue would have convinced me to fight in the Vietnam war.

If you want some one to go and die for this country you better be able to tell them exactly why. I'm sick and tired of this bullshit. We glorify war as if it is anything but the murder of other human beings. I understand that sometimes it is necessary, but there hasn't been one war since wwII that falls into that category. Originally Posted by shanm
I must admit you made a good point.

I be willing to bet he never wore a uniform of any branch of the service Originally Posted by gary5912
You're partially correct! LLIdiot never "wore a uniform of any branch of the service." But rumor has it that he did wear a Cub Scout uniform once upon a time. I suspect his Mommie cleaned & pressed it for him prior to his Pack Meetings. Wayyyy back in the day!

LLIdiot talks a good game! But that is as far as it goes. He's all talk and no action! That's the story of his life!

As long as someone else is doing the fighting and dying, LLIdiot will talk the talk all day long. But don't ask him to walk the walk.

He will tuck his tail and run and hide like a scared, little yappy puppy dog!

Say woof, LLIdiot!
I could say the exact same thing for my war, Vietnam.

Old me have been sending young men to die in wars for centuries. Some of those young men have fought, and died, in wars that were proven by history to be just, and honorable, and for the greater benefit of mankind. Others served in what tuned out to be a waste of a great Country's wealth, reputation, and above all, the lives of many young men.

As one who served in another wasted war, my best advice to this Iraqi War Veteran is get on with your life. I know how you feel. But if you don't let it go, it will end up consuming you, and in future years you will be just be another bitter old man who will only find peace in a bottle, a needle, or even at the end of a rope.
I could say the exact same thing for my war, Vietnam. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie, we all know that Vietnam was a dramatically different day and different time. Many of those who served in Nam were draftees, such as yourself. For the most part they did not know why they were there. Many entered the service fresh out of high school and a few months after being drafted, they were exiting an aircraft at Cam Rahn Bay or somewhere similar.

Once off the aircraft their lives would never be the same. To make matters worse, there was very little appreciation for the sacrifices they made, even after returning home.

Today's fighting force is dramatically different. These are Professional soldiers, who are well schooled and their sacrifices are deeply appreciated by civilians. Much more so than their Vietnam era predecessors.

With all of that said, I might disagree with your politics but I have a deep appreciation and respect for you and the sacrifice you made. Whether your sacrifice was done willingly or not, is of little consequence to me.