Challenges for Escorts

Most jobs are challenging. A career as a lawyer, doctor, teacher or even a full-time parent can wear you out.

But why do people say that escorting is a particularly tough job? And why do most escorts only work for a few years, unlike other professions?

What about this profession makes it tougher than the other professions?
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 02-09-2011, 10:27 AM
Why don't you dip your toes in the pool instead of gathering Intel for some paper or novel you are writing?

Live a month in the life you are so intrigued by, then come back and tell us what you've discovered.
London Rayne's Avatar
This profession unlike many others eats away at your soul, and also leads to trust issues with men overall. I could never have a normal relationship with a man while doing this, and even as someone who only works 2 weeks a month, I still get burned out after a tour. Luckily, I have a healthy balance between escorting, school, and family otherwise I would have quit long ago. No way I could do this every day.

It's tough on me mentally, but it is easier than working a 9 to 5 for crappy pay. I work when I want, see who I want, make my own rates and hours, plus I get to travel anywhere I want for free basically. Can't really beat that!
Unlike most jobs this one requires you to be...not quite yourself a great deal of the time. It is far easier to work in an office and just get down to the daily grind and remove yourself from your job when you leave. But with this every time I answer a text/email/pm I have to answer as the provider and not the half asleep, unshowered, slightly hungover woman woken by a blackberry ding. For me at least it is a matter of being "on" whenever dealing with anything work related which can be at any time. Unless I simply choose to ignore all work related contacts for the weekend (which I do on occasion) I don't really have a day off.

Not that I'm saying this is harder than a regular day job, but it does take a bit of extra effort. It does not help that I am by nature a misanthropic hermit with an internet addiction lol.

Also, it is a pretty physically demanding job. My exercise regimen when I was doing regular work? Nonfuckingexistent. But I need to work out regularly now if only for stamina building. I've only been doing this for about six months and if end of Dec/beginning of Jan wasn't so slow I'd probably be a little burnt out already.

It can be very tempting to work work work when you see the money coming in and you want to save up for big stuff but the one time I got into that mode it was terrible. Service was subpar, I was frustrated and tired, and out of 6 people that I saw that week, only one has been a repeat.
Abe Normal's Avatar
I know when I was a male escort it was exhausting trying to keep up with the demands and toil on my body the women put me through.

Certainly made me wish I was laying bricks again. Plus it was hard to come out even charging $20.00 per hour, LOL
Why don't you dip your toes in the pool instead of gathering Intel for some paper or novel you are writing?

Live a month in the life you are so intrigued by, then come back and tell us what you've discovered. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
You took the words right out of my mouth.....
Logan135's Avatar
I can't imagine it NOT being hard. I'm sure the ladies see some great guys on their best behavior but also the absolute worst in guys as well. Plus the stress of having to be cautious almost 100% of the time in and out of the hobby. Potential legal issues, family issues, safety boggles the mind. That doesn't even take into account the possible emotional toll based on being with someone how it affects their relationships and how they deal with perceptions of them based on society norms. I would think you have to be a very strong woman to do this for a long period of time!!

Geez.....that's a little depressing. Be sure and thank a provider!! Hopefully for each the pros outway the cons. Just in my short time here I've met some wonderful classy ladies in person and through reading posts encountered some quality individuals both male and female on this site.

I appreciate all they do provide and hope all of them reach all the goals, whether its financial, educational, whatever.......they've earned it!!

Just me $.02.....
Naomi4u's Avatar
I know when I was a male escort it was exhausting trying to keep up with the demands and toil on my body the women put me through.

Certainly made me wish I was laying bricks again. Plus it was hard to come out even charging $20.00 per hour, LOL Originally Posted by Abe Normal
Good one! I just laughed sooo hard.

Well for me this job has been more positive than negative. Every guy I have met has taught me something new and that in itself has made me a better person today.

Am I lonely? Yes. Do I have serious relationship issues? Yes but it is something I have been dealing with way before I entered the hobby. I am stronger mentally than I was before. I know how to take constructive criticism and handle rejection better today because of my line of work.

I sometimes wonder.. what if? What if one day I get married and my husband decides he's going to start seeing escorts ? What would I do? How would I feel? Then I realize that these men see me because they're not getting something at home so it's my job to one day be the best wife I can be. Talking, cooking, cleaning, ironing and giving award winning bjs.. lol!

My first major tour will be in a month. I'll be on the same schedule as my dear friend London working only 2 weeks a month touring so I will report and let you know how I feel then. Right now at this stage of the game the Pros outweigh the cons and I am happy for the most part.
I don't think escorting is tough, I am a bit of a nympho so I quite enjoy!....I will say there are parts that are frustrating & stressful at times ie: booking your hotels, screening, answering emails, airports etc... Those are times I wish I had an assistant, but I simply don't trust anyone else with those things....

Overall, I don't have many complaints, I get to come and go as I please, travel the world, and spend way more time with my kid than someone with a normal job could....
Why don't you dip your toes in the pool instead of gathering Intel for some paper or novel you are writing?

Live a month in the life you are so intrigued by, then come back and tell us what you've discovered. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
I agree. This job is actually harder than working a nine to five. But for people who have never done it, it may seem easy and it is definetly something that they would have to experience for themselves.
shorty's Avatar
I'm finally glad that someone (Valerie) does like what they do. Yes, it's a job that requires alot of work that people don't see. If you don't enjoy what you do or are ashamed of it, then burnout will become more likely.
I'm finally glad that someone (Valerie) does like what they do. Yes, it's a job that requires alot of work that people don't see. If you don't enjoy what you do or are ashamed of it, then burnout will become more likely. Originally Posted by shorty
Most definitely...
Naomi4u's Avatar
I'm finally glad that someone (Valerie) does like what they do. Yes, it's a job that requires alot of work that people don't see. If you don't enjoy what you do or are ashamed of it, then burnout will become more likely. Originally Posted by shorty
Well darn shorty I love my job too..
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Why don't you dip your toes in the pool instead of gathering Intel for some paper or novel you are writing?

Live a month in the life you are so intrigued by, then come back and tell us what you've discovered. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
+1 Ze is smart try it out surfergirl, you just might like it
Why don't you dip your toes in the pool instead of gathering Intel for some paper or novel you are writing?

Live a month in the life you are so intrigued by, then come back and tell us what you've discovered. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
+1 Ze is smart try it out surfergirl, you just might like it Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
I tend to agree with these two posts. Threads started by surfergirl are:

All are "inquiries" about what it's like.