Phone app.....

Hey there!! Good morning everyone.

One question. Is there a phone app for escorts? If so, what is your favorite?

Thanks and have a great day!!!!!!
Good one...idk but I'm glad you asked
I use Mr. number, sometimes it can be dead on and sometimes its way off. Mr. number gives you the first and last name registered under the phone number calling. It also is an easy way to block, I usually block rude people, ncns, time wasters, and people who call at inappropriate times (1 am-4am).

I do not reccomend lattitude! You are able to tell where a person is at anytime, how fast they are driving ect.. works well if you want to know if the person is going to flake on you or is really calling you from the parking lot. Down side, they can see where you are as well.
Thank you... This helps...