Accurate Stats in Reviews

I want to start this by saying that I always appreciate it when a gentleman takes the time to write a review.
Now having said that I would appreciate it even more if these gentlemen wouldn't try to guess at stats like height and weight.
If you see a lady and her showcase says she's 120 pounds and it's clear that is what one of her legs weighs then I understand stating in your review that her weight is very different than advertised.
Two of my last reviews have said that I am 5'6 and 130 pounds.
I am 5'5 and 125 pounds. I can't be mad at them at least they gave me an extra inch to go with the extra pounds and what lady doesn't like an extra inch? :-)
What I am saying guys is unless your occupation is guessing peoples height and weight at the circus go with the ladies advertised stats unless they are hugely inaccurate.
The last gentleman who was kind enough to write me a review stated that he thinks my pics are a few years old. Those pics are around 6 months old and I just spent a long time checking myself out in the mirror , yes naked :-), and can't see why someone would make that assumption.
So to wrap this up I would greatly appreciate it if when writing reviews you don't guess at a ladies stats. If you have a question about how old pics are ask. Will all ladies be honest with you? No, but I believe most will.
The simple fact is that inaccurate stats and saying a lady is using old pics can effect her business.
Okay that's my Public Service Announcement for the year. :-)
Bestman200600's Avatar
Heather you have always been a pretty woman no matter what the stats are and a very good date.
addict's Avatar
Heather, you've got a great reputation in the hobby. Your longevity and overwhelming positive reviews speak volumes, amid I can understand your frustration at guys subjectively guessing at what you know to be objective facts.

However, when you say you believe most ladies will be honest, I think you are being very naive. Most ladies will lie about their age, their stats, and anything else guys use to "choose" them. They will do everything in their photos from using advantageous lighting and camera angles, to heavy photoshopping and using stolen pics. The women who are completely upfront and honest about their appearance are the exception, not the norm.

That being the case, I would always encourage guys to give their best, most objective analysis of what a woman looks like in person. As time goes by, most hobbyists learn which guys' evaluations to trust and which not to (both ways).

Ultimately, the reviews are meant to be a selection tool for the customer side of the hobby. The marketing aspect from a provider standpoint is secondary. I can definitely understand your frustration, though.
When it comes to men and measurements you should always remember this joke:

Do you how you can tell it was a man who invented the map?

Only the male mind could conceive of 1 inch equaling one mile.
Addict - my frustration is really very mild.
The gentlemen who wrote the reviews are very nice and I really enjoyed seeing them. I know they didn't mean any harm.
I certainly value and appreciate their opinions.

I agree with you that I am probably being naive about a lot of the truth in advertising here.
That is because I don't understand it. I wouldn't want to build up someone's expectations and then have them be disappointed when they meet me.
I prefer the opposite, that they come in with low expectations so they can be pleasantly surprised when we meet. :-)
bule84's Avatar
from looking at your pic i can see that you are in very good shape...reading a review that got your height wrong by an inch or your weight wrong by a couple pounds would not affect my decision. It is best not to sweat the small stuff, we all have bigger things to worry about
Your Ebony Dream's Avatar
Most WOMEN don't know there accurate stats other than bust, I was recently measured and quite surprised at the measurements .Give em' a break they tried ...

Amber Doll
It's amazing how some of the boob lovin' guys can tell you your bra size better than the girls can!
pyramider's Avatar
and what lady doesn't like an extra inch? Originally Posted by Heather Winston

I have 1.3" of dangling death.
Heather, as a public servcie, I would be happy to audit your stats and pictures to verify you are being accurate.

I do have to agree with addict and others as well. I canno ttell you how often I have seen a description of "Fit" and the lady has a bigger belly than mine, flabby legs and arms, etc.

i think some women figure if they can get you in the door, they can do a good job and the guy will overlook the deception. Or, they don't care as they dont see the benifit of repeat customers or reviews. Its our own fault really. If guys would say no and walk away when they encounter things like this it would end real quick. But we get there all worked up and many just say "what he hell, I am here already"
Most WOMEN don't know there accurate stats other than bust, I was recently measured and quite surprised at the measurements .Give em' a break they tried ...

Amber Doll Originally Posted by AmberDoll
I'm not giving these gentlemen a hard time, pun intended. :-)
I said I appreciate their reviews and the fact that they took the time to write them.
I wasn't coming down on them I actually appreciate being made an inch taller than I am.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am relaxed, laid back and have a quirky sense of humor.

I get the urge to post something here once or twice every there or four years. :-)
I had the urge and this was on my mind at the moment.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
Heather...In my eyes and may others on here you are a very beautiful woman phyically and what is inside as a person stands out for all to see as someone anyone would want by their side as a friend, acquaintance or emotionally.

  • Caleb
  • 05-13-2013, 03:56 AM
I prefer the opposite, that they come in with low expectations so they can be pleasantly surprised when we meet. :-) Originally Posted by Heather Winston
I can't imagine you get many visitors with low expectations, you've had far too many admirers say great things on your behalf. Now pleasantly surprised, that I would suspect is a frequent occurrence.
pyramider's Avatar
I prefer the opposite, that they come in with low expectations so they can be pleasantly surprised when we meet. Originally Posted by Heather Winston

Its amazing, the ladies I visit always have low expectations of me and my performance ...
Clit Lover's Avatar
I don't think anyone who visits you could ever leave disappointed! In addition to your physical attributes and, of course, your skills as a provider you are just a real pleasure to spend time with. I can certainly attest to the fact that your pictures are recent and your stats are correct, but I don't think 5lbs in weight or 1 inch height one way or the other would adversely affect a hobbyist's decision. It is the gross misrepresentations of stats which really are disappointing to the hobbyist!