Support for Trump at an all time high....

matchingmole's Avatar
Support from Funeral home directors and morticians....great job security with Trump as Prez

And the upcoming war with a last ditch effort to win should really help business.

JCM800's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 07-03-2020, 07:38 AM
Foolish, Foolish LibDems - how shortsighted and full of Hate.

Anything about issues - not a Word - just like 9500- foolish memes and clips.

get an education and stand up for Yourself - or live on a government dole under Marxism - go to Venezuela and stay there.
JCM800's Avatar
blah blah blah Originally Posted by oeb11
Trumpy gibberish, lol.

JCM800's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 07-03-2020, 07:52 AM
Trumpy gibberish, lol.

Originally Posted by JCM800
Well, j - since you post as unable to comprehend - likely due to a Teacher's Union education,

I suggest remedial courses at your local Junior college.

And - typical DPST tactics - Even U comprehend that attributing a quote to a poster they did not write is a LIE!!!

The RTM button is your little friend.

Not that posting Lies ever bother the DPST's!
JCM800's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 07-03-2020, 07:56 AM
The Trump Hate runs deep
Still hurt over H... in 2016 , are the DemLibs!!!

It is allright - Little 'j' - Please go vote your choice for 2020. - You have that freedom - Once the Libdems inaugurate - then 25th amendment Biden ( look it up - it is the Bill of Rights) for a radical Socialsit POTUS elevated from VP - the game is over for representative democracy - which is what the Marxist radicals of the DemLibs are using the OBLM movement as a tool.

Like being used - 'j'???

It is allright - in 2021 the DPST radicals - if Biden elected- will shut down the two party system - and Orwell's dystopian nightmare will be your happiness - just like Venezuela.

not Me - I will be in Switzerland!!!

JCM800's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 07-03-2020, 08:09 AM
'Every other country got it under control'

How ridiculous. Ever hear of a place called 'Italy" - i guess not - geography is too hard a subject for teacher's Unions educations.

and how is senile Biden to deal with it???
Let's hear Biden's (absent) plan111

LibDem trump hate.

Such a waste of a life.
Is it a course in the radical marxist indoctrination camps for the LibDem party "How to make a Fool of Oneself by hardly Trying"????
JCM800's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 07-03-2020, 08:16 AM
Trolls are out 'baiting" - suchd a waste.

J - do you think biden "gives a shit' about U

biden hardly knows when he shits anymore.
matchingmole's Avatar
Trump thought warm weather would kill it.....

Most Texans I know who believe in science and technology also have air conditioners
  • oeb11
  • 07-03-2020, 08:18 AM
Moles live in burrows
JCM800's Avatar